Listener: In the Fourth Watch I awakened hearing such amazing revelations that I doubted the source and asked, in whose name do you speak? I heard no answer immediately, but later heard in a deep and resounding Voice...I SPEAK IN THE NAME OF JESUS, and the amazing revelations were repeated. When I questioned Holy Spirit as to why I was being blessed with these revelations, He answered: I Am Sovereign. I chose you for My purpose. You are weak, but you are receptive. You are willing to receive what I wish to give you. I value receptivity. I chose you even as I chose the Body of which you are a part. I Am asking that Body to walk with Me, inviting each member to go deeper with Me. Respond to My invitation and you will be fulfilled as you have not dreamed that you could be fulfilled; I will fill places in you which you never knew were empty. You will find no life-sustaining food in the world, but at My Table your hunger will be satisfied, and your spirit will be nourished. My cocoon of peace into which I placed the Listener a few days ago enables you to develop the wings with which you will fly spiritually even as you remain on earth. Allow Me to take you into that cocoon. Then, like the butterfly, you will emerge from your cocoon of peace to fly spiritually…to soar to new heights that you have not known before. Remember that the cocoon in which you will be placed is the cocoon of Peace, and that there is power in My Peace. The lifespan of a butterfly is relatively brief once it emerges from the cocoon, even as the time soon will be short for the completion of My work in the Body of Christ. I have called this remnant Body, and I have waited for an answer. Listener, tell them that if they do not choose to answer My call the consequence will be a lack in their lives where there could have been My reward, here on earth as well as in the life to come. They must be told and must know that the mission to which this Body has been called MUST be carried out. The corporate body, the Fire Carriers must be prepared. There is power in the corporate body which cannot be fully released in the individual members. Come to Me… fully yielded, and I will use you to set the CHURCH ablaze. If you question how this can be done through one little remnant body, I remind you that I AM GOD. Do not concern yourselves as to whether you are the only remnant body through which I Am working or whether there are many such bodies. Your call is clear; it does not depend on whether the same call has been issued and answered by others. The time that I tarry awaiting your answer is limited. Come. Come now.