Holy Spirit speaks: I AM the Alpha and the Omega…the Beginning and the End. I have given you a new beginning, Listener…and I desire to give such a new beginning to every member of the Body of Christ. I am speaking to Believers, therefore I am obviously not referring to the salvation which you have already received. At salvation you received a newborn spirit and newness of life in Christ. I am speaking now of a deeper dimension of that salvation, a deeper walk in the salvation which gave you that newness of life in Christ. Some have already experienced this deeper dimension, this new beginning; for some it began and then waned so long ago that it needs to be revived. Others are on the brink of acceptance; still others have received a glimpse of the new beginning but shrink back. Many have glimpsed it and in effect rejected it by failing to answer My call…and sadly, the great majority of those who make up the Body of Christ are unaware that such a life even exists. I am speaking about living in the Presence of God…of living your life as a continual spiritual acknowledgement of Acts 17:28…that you truly do live and breathe and have your being in ME. This is what I desired when I created Adam and Eve, who walked with Me in the Garden of Eden before the fall. This is still My desire today. You can walk in the spiritual Garden of Eden with Me if you truly desire and seek My Presence. If you are reading this message and have received My call to this life, do not linger at the entryway into this experience of indescribable blessing, of blessing without measure. If you have not yet heard My call, ask and you shall receive. If you have heard and rejected the call, repent and I will give you another invitation. You will live in My Presence in heaven, in the Millennial reign of Christ and in eternity…and you can begin to live in My Presence here and now…on the earth which I created for mankind. A phrase often used when a Believer dies is that he has “Gone to be with the Lord.” This is true…but the glorious truth is that you can also “be with the Lord” every day of your life here on earth. Shalom.