Listener: I awakened in the Fourth Watch thinking about what I had been studying in a book on healing just before I went to sleep. I do not know whether these were my thoughts or the Holy Spirit, but I do know that the next thought was mine, “If I do not follow through and walk in what I am learning in this class which the Holy Spirit told me to take, I will weep with regret when I get to heaven and realize what I missed.” And then Holy Spirit spoke: Listener, there is no weeping in heaven, but if you fail to walk in the anointing that I have given to you, you will weep on the day in your earthly life when I reveal to you what you have missed. Listener: Then Holy Spirit began to show me how He wanted to use His Daily Bread messages to provide an opportunity for prayer for healing for those who ask by submitting their prayer requests as comments. He is omnipresent; He can be with the person who sought healing over the internet and at the same time be with me as I pray for Him to release His healing power through me. I cannot anoint the forehead of the person for whom I am praying, but He can anoint him with His Presence. I cannot lay hands on the person, but the Holy Spirit can touch him with His healing hands. When he explained this to me, I prayed “Oh, Lord, let it be…bring it to pass!” But now, as I am typing this message, I begin to wonder if I am ready for such a healing ministry; forgetting that the Holy Spirit knows my every thought! His response to that thought: You have been prepared. Now you must make the decision. I have given you the anointing and will give you the necessary faith and expectation. On the Mountain this morning you asked Me to bring it to pass. Now you must confirm or withdraw that request, but I assure you that if you withdraw the request, the day will come when you will weep with regret. Remember, I will empower you to walk the path that you have been called to walk. Listener: I sat with my head bowed for some time, not praying but remembering how, over the years, “trust and obey” has always proven to be the best path to follow; remembering also the years when I sought courage and reassurance by frequently singing to myself, “I have decided to follow Jesus, no turning back; no turning back.” Then I realized that my decision had been made long ago and said, “I affirm my prayer: Please bring it to pass, and help me to get out of Your way to allow You do Your work through me. Amen.”