Listener: Holy Spirit awakened me at the very beginning of the Fourth Watch this morning with confirmation and clarification of what He has been speaking to me for five days since His last Daily Bread message. He has led me through a time of intense grief for those who are dying from Covid-19 isolated from the comforting presence of their loved ones. Now Holy Spirit has told me to share the deep compassion He has allowed me to experience and which I believe He has already or is about to allow you to experience. He began to prepare us for today’s message on April 15 when He told us that He wants to use Daily Bread to provide an opportunity for prayer requests for healing to be submitted as comments at the end of the post. At that time He also assured us that because He is omnipresent, He is with the person who seeks healing over the internet at the same time that He is with us as we pray for Him to release His healing power through us. That we cannot anoint the forehead of the person with oil but He can anoint them with His Presence. That we cannot lay hands on this person, but He can touch him with healing hands. Today He is designating the specific prayer requests which He desires to have presented through this Window into Heaven at this time of crisis. If you are reading this post, He is calling you to help to compile that prayer list as well as to pray for those on the list. If you know or know of anyone infected with Covid-19 who is in critical condition, please post the name of that person in the comments section at the bottom of this page so that everyone who comes for Daily Bread may pray specifically for that individual. When that person is healed, please post this information so that we may thank God for answering our prayers and remove the name from the prayer list. We know that some of those for whom we pray will not be healed. This is one of God’s mysteries; some are healed and some are not. If someone on the prayer list does not survive, please post this information in comments, and we will pray for those who knew and loved them, and now mourn them. Holy Spirit: The Listener has clearly stated the instructions which I wish you to follow. Now I speak directly to those of you who read this message. I desire to have prayers lifted for those who are dying of this virus. I have told the Listener to begin to pray today, even if no names are posted. I issue a call to each one of you to pray also. Today and every day pray for the names of critically ill Covid-19 patients to be submitted as you pray for healing for those already on this prayer list. Seek to learn the names of others who are critically ill so that they may be added to the list. Use contacts with friends personally or on social media. I know the names of those dying of Covid-19, but I want you to know too so that they will not be nameless numbers for whom you offer a general prayer for healing and for comfort in their isolation. Become spiritual Marines…let no one be left behind who is in need of this prayer, which is in essence prayer that they may be raised from their deathbeds. You serve a mighty God; pray in expectation that He will answer. He is calling you to pray fervent prayers that He desires to answer! You have been given the authority to command healing in the name of Jesus; Exercise that authority!