Listener: Holy Spirit awakened me in the Fourth Watch this morning and immediately led me to the Mountain of His Presence. I did not hear His Voice but rather received revelation in my mind, knowing and understanding what He wanted me to share with you today. Holy Spirit led me into and through an intense period of intercessory prayer last night for those suffering from Covid-19. We still have no names for a prayer list of the critically ill, although in view of the number of deaths in this county we know there must be some who are critical. We are standing in the gap in intercession for those who are dying from the ravaging effects of this virus. As I was kneeling in prayer, Holy Spirit led me to actually do what I had envisioned in previous prayers for this healing. I poured wine and put out bread for communion. After asking God’s blessing on His Table, I asked to be enabled to stand in for the critically ill at the local hospital, anointed my forehead with oil and then also anointed my forehead with the wine of communion, representing the Blood of the Lamb of God. As I did this, I asked God to cause the death angel to pass over those for whom I was interceding. Then I took the Bread representing the body of Jesus, claiming healing for the bodies of those for whom I was standing in, that by His stripes they may be healed. After I finished communion, I began to mentally walk through the ICU, going into every room and asking Holy Spirit to lay His healing hands on the patient in each bed as I prayed for them to experience the anointing of His Presence and to feel Him laying His healing hands on them. I wept as I made this mental round of prayer, not tears of despair but tears of gratitude that God allowed me to stand in the gap for these afflicted. I also sense that I am not alone, that there are others of you who are praying for them also. Now, I have shared how the Holy Spirit led me to pray last night; I do not know whether these instructions will be repeated when I pray tonight. I do not suggest this as a pattern for your prayers; you must ask Holy Spirit how He wishes you to overcome the disadvantage of not being able to stand by those bedsides to pray. Holy Spirit speaks: Listener, I want to direct your attention and that of those to whom you write to words of encouragement in Scripture. In Matthew 10:1 Jesus “called His twelve disciples to Him, He gave them power over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease.” Not just some kinds of sickness, ALL kinds of sickness; not just some kinds of disease, ALL kinds of disease. Remember this as you pray for those who are afflicted with this disease for which science has no cure. God has a cure for ALL disease. In the same chapter in Matthew, Jesus gave His disciples the power to bring about the manifestation of that cure. You are disciples of Jesus; He has given you power and authority in His Name. Declare this healing; Proclaim it. Scientists have not found a cure for Covid-19; God has already provided that cure; He will manifest it through the Body of Christ.