Listener: The message which Holy Spirit gave me yesterday was in two parts. You received the first part in yesterday’s Daily Bread; today you will receive the second part. Holy Spirit gave me a vision of a small book which appeared to be very old. The cover was burnished gold; the book had metal hinges, and there was an old-fashioned lock. I watched as a key descended into the lock, turned, and the little book began to open … and then the vision was gone. Holy Spirit spoke: There are great sacred secrets which are virtually incomprehensible to man; the mysteries revealed to and spoken of by Paul are such secrets. There are also lesser spiritual mysteries, revelations like tiny particles of gold dust which I wish to give to those who come to Me seeking My Presence, opening their hearts to Me, empty vessels asking Me to fill them. To these I give revelations with wisdom for life on earth and for the edification of the Body, but I also give them revelations relating to the spiritual realm. These spiritual revelations are like tiny particles of gold dust concealed within the lesser revelations. These tiny particles which relate to the spiritual realm are more significant by far than revelations regarding the natural realm. I heard your thought, Listener, and I know that you do not truly understand what you are writing. The understanding will come when the time is right, when these golden seeds of revelation being sown in those who hear My Voice begin to grow and to bring forth fruit, the revelation needed for that time. When I began this two-part portion of Daily Bread, you had no idea that I was about to send you, all of you, the one who writes and those who read, out on a diving board, a high diving board, to dive into deeper revelations of My Presence, which you seek daily with so little comprehension of the magnitude of that which you seek. Continue to seek; My Presence is the anointing of Love. And pray for the Body of Christ, many members of which are afflicted with spiritual dwarfism. Pray for the healing of the Church.