Listener: Holy Spirit has given me a verse of Scripture, a vision, and a message for you. Psalm 105:37 He also brought them out with silver and gold, and there was none feeble among His tribes. It required a supernatural work of God to make all of the children of Israel who came out of Egypt healthy. One commentator has noted, “He healed all the sick who were among them and gave them strength, even unto the eldest.” Now, remember what happened just before they left Egypt; they very carefully followed the instructions that God gave to Moses. They applied the blood of the first Passover lambs to the sides and the tops of their doorways so that all inside would be protected, so that the death angel, which would take the firstborn of every Egyptian household, would “pass over them.” And that night God’s people ate the first Passover meal, the Old Testament type of the Lord’s Supper. Today many members of a different generation, not the firstborn but the elderly, are dying as the pandemic of the corona virus continues to spread. Holy Spirit has given me a vision of a person lying in a hospital bed. Someone is anointing the forehead of that person with oil, representing the Holy Spirit, and with the wine of the Lord’s Table, representing the blood of Jesus. I believe that the oil of the Holy Spirit and the blood of the eternal Passover Lamb must be applied for the healing of those already afflicted with this virus and that those of us who are not yet afflicted must go to the Lord’s Table to seek His protection…to seek more than protection, to seek the Presence of our Lord.