Holy Spirit speaks: Listener, I do not make you invulnerable to the attacks of Satan, but I do give you and all Believers armor for your protection. I do protect your time on the Mountain as well as the words that you post on Daily Bread. I speak. Listener: Lord, I believe that the Voice that I hear this morning is Your Voice, but you seem to be prompting me to verify, so I ask now as you have told me in the past to ask if I had any doubts, In whose name do you speak? Holy Spirit: I speak in the Name of your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Now, be quiet and hear My Voice…My words. Begin to write and the words will come as you write… flowing out of you like Rivers of Living Water. You are to flow with the Living Water of My Word…My Word and the Holy Spirit…the seven Spirits. This is why I wanted you to teach the seven Spirits. I want you to begin to flow in their aspects and power. So, do not continue to comment about how difficult this topic is and how unworthy and ill-equipped you are to teach this mystery. You are unworthy, but I have equipped you. I Am in you, and I empower you and provide the knowledge and the wisdom to teach this…and for you to experience it. Now, get with the program!! Listener: After these words, the Holy Spirit began to give me a message unlike any other that He has ever given for Daily Bread. As you who come here for His words know, His messages focus on the spiritual realm rather than the physical. The following message is unprecedented. Earlier this morning He had given me a private revelation which may be related to this message, but He gave specific instructions that the revelation was not Daily Bread. However, when He began to give the following message He specified that it was for Daily Bread. Holy Spirit speaks: Now for some Presidential Daily Bread. Pray this prayer: Please protect the First Lady and her child. Please let the President…use the President to protect them at his own risk. PUT THIS IN DAILY BREAD… Pray for the President, his wife and her child. Pray for their protection and his courage… The reason that the President will not be the target is that those who make this attempt on the lives of the First Lady and her child do not wish to remove the President from office but to use his grief and raging anger to incapacitate him mentally and emotionally. This will serve their purposes better than removing him, which would open the door for the Vice President or someone equally well-qualified to begin an early campaign for the office. This message may sound like “just politics,” but it is vital. Please know that the Listener is not a very “political person.” This is My warning that this country, the entire western world, is under a statanic threat greater than that posed by Hitler in 1941. This is one of the reasons why I have given you so many messages on spiritual warfare. I have told you more than once that I am recruiting an army to battle in the spiritual realm. Those of you who come for Daily Bread are few in number, but you pray to The Lord of Hosts! Pray in the Spirit and in your language, become a Seal Team of prayer warriors. Be sober; be vigilant… and pray! Listener, this is an unusual message for Daily Bread; which is why I prompted you to ask about who spoke at the beginning, I wanted you to have advance confirmation before you received the message. When you pray, pray for My protection of all aspects of the lives of the President and his family, physical, mental and emotional. Listener: As I prayed I was told that the attack would be ”thwarted”… the Holy Spirit’s word. Webster’s says this means to be “frustrated or defeated.” I was also led to pray that the “aftershocks” of this attempt would be evidenced in the attitudes and responses of the people of this country who are not completely blinded by hatred. The words of the Holy Spirit were … that they will be ready to stand up and be counted. The Holy Spirit concludes: God is issuing a “wake-up call” to this country. In His mercy, He is attempting to spare you the loss and the horror of a spiritual Pearl Harbor. He is giving you advance warning, and watchmen on the wall. PRAY. And Listener…POST.