Listener: The Bread which I have been given for you today is not a large serving, but it is so sweet that even a small serving is more than satisfying. I was awakened at the very beginning of the Fifth Watch but could not go to the Mountain because my little elderly dog wanted to go with me, and I had to wait until he went back to sleep. I did not seek a message during this period of waiting but rested in anticipation of the revelation to come. Then, just before I began to ascend the Mountain, I heard these words “About your last post on Tabula Rasa…..” and then heard what I thought was a tone on my kindle indicating a new e-mail. But when I checked my e-mail there was nothing there. I went immediately to the Mountain but with an unquiet spirit. There I began to hear a voice speaking words which disturbed me…not so much what was being said but that my spirit was not receptive to the message, which was related to yesterday’s post. Then I heard the Voice which I recognize saying Confirm the identity. So I asked as I had yesterday “In whose name do you speak?” There was silence for some time before I heard the answer … “a malicious spirit.” Then Holy Spirit began to quiet my spirit and my mind. He spoke: The deeper that I take you, the greater the revelation that I desire to give you, the more intense the attacks will become. I told you yesterday that I protect your time on the Mountain and the Daily Bread. Listener: And then He gave me two wonderful gifts, the gifts which make this message so sweet…sweet for me because I have received the gifts and sweet for you because you can know that He will give them to you when you are ready…and when you need them. The Holy Spirit blesses: I give you now the gift of discerning of spirits, so that you will be able to know immediately and with certainty who speaks to you. Listener: Then He offered me the second gift when He asked Do you want to spend the day on the Mountain with Me? And the Listener whispered in awe: Lord, if I spend an entire day with You, I may not be able to descend from the Mountain at the end of the day…but I am more than willing to risk it. And I immediately began to mentally cancel everything that I had scheduled today. Shalom.