Listener: I was awakened near the beginning of the Fourth Watch with a glow of peace still lingering from the time that I was blessed to spend in the Presence of the Holy Spirit yesterday. Lord, this morning I thank you for that beautiful reminder of Your Grace and Your Provision for us. I thank you for allowing me to receive Daily Bread for others and to feast on that Bread also. Please make me a true Tabula Rasa this morning, so that what I receive and deliver is only that which You give me. Holy Spirit: I Am always present but you do not always open your mind and your heart to Me. It is as though you hide behind a wall, fearing what I might reveal to you. There is no longer a veil. Come, follow Me and I will open your eyes and your heart. Listener, in the dream from which I awakened you, you were being told, but not by Me, you were being told that what you see and hear on the Mountain is not real…and that is true in the sense that what you see and hear from Me belongs not to the physical but to the spiritual realm. But what you were being told in the dream is not Truth. I Am the Holy Spirit, I speak only Truth. And I tell you now that you will begin to spend more and more time in the spiritual realm. However, I will continue to send you confirmation to help you to maintain your balance …confirmation sometimes as simple as the two words in your daily devotional…sometimes as detailed as the Scripture which I have given you to confirm the deep teaching that you have been fed by the man of God who shepherds the flock of which you are a part. I am giving you a new perspective, and since it is new and you have been on this earth and in the Word of God for many years, you are having a difficult time maintaining your balance. Do not attempt to understand this new perspective with your mind. The teaching on consecration to which I led you yesterday for Bible Study will help you to receive the new perspective in your spirit…it will help you and others who may also have a problem receiving it in the spirit. Do not fear; this new wine indeed cannot be poured into old wineskins…but I make all things new for those who come to Me with yielded and receptive hearts. I did not tell you these things yesterday because you needed a day of rest and renewal. There are new and unfamiliar places through which all of you will walk, but remember Who holds your hand. I will not let you fall, even when your mind attempts to prevail over your spirit. Remember that when I give you new revelations, I also give you the strength to receive them. Remember that I have given you “hinds’ feet” on high places, a promise which holds for the ascent as well as for your arrival at the top of the peaks. You, Listener and those to whom you write have been fed with meat for some time…you have grown strong in the Lord. You have all been prepared and still are being prepared to go into battle. As you go, know that the ground most fiercely contested is always the High Ground. The victory has already been won; now you must claim it. Many of you, most of you, have made the commitment to follow wherever I lead. You have been consecrated, set apart for walk in that consecration…and never forget Who walks beside you.