Holy Spirit: Listener, I have spoken to you these many months…and now the time has come when I can openly speak to you as the Spirit of the Lord…the first of the Seven Spirits of God which my servant Isaiah introduced to man by name. No, do not go to that Book or to any book in Scripture or to any earthly source as you try to remember what you have read or heard about the manifestation of the Spirit of the Lord …This morning you are receiving a direct verbal manifestation of the Spirit of the Lord. The message which you will receive is, in part, to be to be given in Daily Bread, and in part when you begin to teach about the Seven Spirits of God. A portion of this message is to be hidden in your heart until I tell you to reveal it. I will make it clear to you how the message is to be “rightly divided.” Although this is the first time that I have been able to reveal My identity to you This is not the first time that I have been manifested to you in your spirit, nor is this is the first time that you have heard My Voice. My Voice comes to you as the Voice of the Holy Spirit…We are One. I come this morning as The Spirit of the Lord so that as His Spirit, I can enable you to hear the One who died for you. Those to whom you write will read the words that I have just spoken and begin to rejoice in anticipation of a beautiful expression of Love. On another day that is what they will hear. Today they will hear a portion of the message that I began to give you in your spirit last night as you sat in church…a message which deeply disturbed you and will disturb those to whom you write. In fact, there will be some who will not read this message in its entirety. This is why you were not awakened early this morning to go to the Mountain…you would not have been able to go back to sleep after hearing all that I have to say. This message is rarely preached to the Body of Christ these days. It is not a message that My Body wishes to hear. You know what I am about to say, but you do not want to be reminded of certain applications of this message, which is that I died to save you TO and FROM. The members of My Body do not have a problem with most parts of that which they were saved TO, especially the parts dealing with eternal salvation and going to be with the Lord when you die. That is indeed Good News. But you are saved TO MORE; You are saved to answer My call to do the work that has been divinely assigned to you. And now you protest…loudly protest… Oh No, Lord, I am saved by Grace, not by works. And that is absolute TRUTH, except for the “Oh No.” You have forgotten or never knew that you were saved by Grace TO carry out a life mission here on earth. I came to earth to live for a brief period of time and then to die for your sins. Now you are MY Body. The word “Body” does not simply refer to a congregation of Believers or even to all of the congregations of Believers. The words My Body signify the fact that it is through you, the Believers who make up that Body, that My Life is manifested on the earth. This is why you are called the Body of Christ, this is what you are saved TO … To Be MY Body on this earth as long as you remain here. For the remainder of your life on earth to hear My voice and to obey, as I did, the will of the Father. This is why the veil was torn, to give you access to ALMIGHTY GOD… TO GOD THE FATHER, GOD THE SON AND GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT. This is the focus of the messages that you receive here as Daily Bread; this is the focus of My faithful servants who shepherd congregations throughout the world; this is the focus of those who preach through the various types of media available today. This is a Good Message, but it is not ALL of the TO message, nor is it the Only Message. I came to Save you TO an earthly and an eternal purpose and to Save you FROM an earthly failure with eternal repercussions. I heard only a few Halleluiahs when you read the portion of My saved TO message relating to your life mission; there may be no Halleluiah’s and few Amen’s when I give you the FROM message. That will be a message for another day. Pray for the Listener, who will receive a portion of the From message today, to hold it until I release it to you. It is a hard message to hear, but it is a message that it is necessary for you to hear… not tomorrow but soon…when the end is near.