Listener: This morning the Spirit of the Lord has told me to share another aspect of the message that He gave me yesterday…a brief and limited summation of some of the horrors of hell which He will reveal to us in much greater detail later…as we enter the period of the final gleaning before the rapture. He is giving us this limited view now of what awaits the lost in eternity to inspire us to witness more effectively regarding what we have been saved FROM. The Spirit of the Lord speaks: Know, be assured of the fact that HELL IS REAL. You have been saved FROM experiencing the awful truth that the Wrath of God, eternal damnation is a reality. This is a reality which is no longer in your future and is not something that you want to hear about…You prefer not to think about what you have been saved From. Even those Believers who continue to thank Me for delivering them from addictions, overt sin, failures and meaningless lives…even those who remember with gratitude that at salvation I delivered them from the destructive despair of their lives on earth…even those who were delivered from hell on earth… None of these Believers are truly impacted by the realization that “hell on earth” cannot begin to compare with eternal damnation. The fire of Hell is real. And now, for those few readers who have been faithful to continue to hear these unwelcome words, look at those whom you encounter every day who, when their earthly lives have ended, will have no choice but to face this awful truth; at that point there is no longer any other choice. Look at members of your family, or friends or those whom you encounter in the check-out lane at the grocery store or walk by on the street. Look at them and pray for them. Pray also for yourself, that you will become willing to receive the courage and the opportunities that God provides for you to share both sides of the Gospel with them…what you have been saved FROM as well as what you have been saved TO. And if you fear to share the FROM, fear that this will not be received by those with whom you share your testimony, at the very least let your knowledge that the eternal FROM exists inspire you to give fervent witness to the eternal blessings which you have been saved TO. I do not end this message with the word Shalom. Today I did not come to give you peace but to inspire and to inform you by reminding you of the eternal destination of the unsaved persons whom I place in your path. To tell you that even though you may not mention the word “hell” to them, your personal acknowledgment of the existence of and the certainty of hell for those who refuse to accept My provision of eternal life will give you such a BURNING (appropriate word) … such a BURNING DESIRE to tell them about Me that your fervor may yield results which your words alone could not. Seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit. He draws the unsaved to Me; Ask Him to use you, to lead you to those to whom He desires you to witness. The time is short.