Listener: Again, as on Monday morning, I was awakened in the Fourth Watch hearing words, but I believe that I was dreaming. Holy Spirit was reminding me of revelations which He had given previously. I went to the Mountain immediately, and began to hear Him clearly as soon as I arrived. Holy Spirit: I am training you…teaching you to hear and to know that I speak. I Am establishing your credibility so that when the time comes I can issue a warning through you and those like you whom I have also trained and established so that My warning will be heard. I will not come unannounced. Listener’s note: At that point I realized that I was hearing the Voice of the Spirit of the Lord, and He continued…. When I come, those who remain will know what has happened. Everything that you hear and record is part of God’s plan; these are not just random revelations. God does not move without purpose. He is building His army to hold the forces of evil at bay while His workers in the field complete the final harvest and the gleaning. He is placing watchmen on the wall to sound the warning when this has been completed. As the revelations become more focused, as God’s pattern and purpose is revealed by and through the revelations of all the listeners He is raising up, it becomes more and more important that you record and report all that I tell and show you. It begins. Do you receive this message? Listener: Yes, Lord, although I stagger at it. Holy Spirit: Think of what those to whom you give these messages will think. This is why I have given you a platform from which you must proclaim and a place on the wall so that you may see. And Listener, you always forget that I know your thoughts…you are thinking that this is a big message for your small voice. But remember, I turned water into wine. Even so, I can enable your small voice speaking the revelations spoken to you by a still, small Voice in the night, I can enable your voice to be heard by those who need to hear before the darkness envelops the land. Speak with authority, My Authority. And never apologize for the words which I give and you speak. I will wrap My arms around you to keep you warm when your voice is coldly rejected. You must be faithful to speak what I give you…sometimes words of Love and edification and sometimes words of dire warning. Always remember that My words, all of My words, are spoken out of Love and to edify those who receive them. What you must remember, Listener, is that your mission is to receive My messages and to carry them to those who cannot or will not hear them directly from Me. I WILL HAVE MY HARVEST. Some will come out of and in Love; some will come out of and in fear. Those who heard but did not heed will be left to speak the words that they disregarded to those who finally come to seek refuge in Me in their day of extreme need. Give this message to those to whom you write and to those to whom you speak. I will give you the courage. Listener: Holy Spirit followed this message with some personal words of instruction and encouragement. I want to share His closing words, which I believe were addressed to all of us. Holy Spirit: I know that the work to which you have been called is not easy, and it will become more and more difficult…But I Am with you in that difficulty. Walk with Me; I will hold your hand.