Listener: I never know what kind of bread I will find in the basket provided by Holy Spirit. Today, after two days of deeply spiritual and prophetic servings, I was surprised and somewhat dismayed that He chose to dig among the ruins of my past to find a lesson for you. I accept His will but find little pleasure in this reminiscing. Holy Spirit: Listener, when you struggle with a small, inconsequential matter, or even matters which are not so inconsequential, and do not think to ask Me for help or direction, I am reminded of the days before you came to Me. I am reminded of the days when you trusted your indomitable will to bring your plans to fruition…when you found both your battle cry and the statement of your agnosticism in the words of Henley’s Invictus: “I thank whatever gods may be for my unconquerable soul…I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul.” When this life philosophy crumbled, you were almost destroyed; only My answer to the prayers of intercessors spared your life, giving you an opportunity to accept Me as your Lord and Savior. I am reminded of those days today, when, even though you are now truly committed to Me, you sometimes still struggle with the flesh. You and many other committed and dedicated Believers who battle successfully most of the time against two of your great enemies, the world and the devil, still experience encounters with that third enemy…the flesh…and are not always victorious. You no longer desire to be the “captain of an unconquerable soul”…your mind, will and emotions; you have learned that true freedom is found only in complete submission to Me. But the flesh, even though crucified with Christ, refuses to surrender unconditionally, to acknowledge total defeat. In a philosophic moment years ago Pogo stated the problem well, “We have met the enemy…and it is us.” But you have an effective weapon, the Sword of the Spirit…USE IT,.. Romans 6:6, 12:1-2; Galatians 2:20, 5:24-25 to mention only a few verses. And remember to do what Galatians 5:25 tells you to do…You live in the Spirit, also walk in the Spirit…and I will help you to walk in the truth that your old man was truly crucified with Christ. The new teaching on Holiness is designed to help you to more fully understand your position in Christ and to bring your state into better alignment with your standing. And Listener, I know that you did not relish my bringing up your past. Just remember that being used as an example of “what not to do” is actually a privilege. If even one person is touched by this message, it is well worth any discomfort that you experience.