Holy Spirit: Listener, today I have provided a beautiful visual representation of the One who made it possible for you and those to whom you write to enter in to the Holy of Holies; to come into the Presence of God…to come into His Presence to worship and to hear His words which I bring to you. I wanted to remind you Whose You Are this morning because I know that you are troubled, that you feel challenged beyond your ability to understand the deep message of the mystery of the seven Spirits of God which I have called you to teach. I heard your thought this morning, that it was like attempting to clear your way through the jungle with a machete, and there is your answer…you are trying to clear a way to walk. Now it is time for you to make your way through this jungle on your knees. I gave you the answer to one of your questions yesterday afternoon, but you received it in your mind rather than in your spirit. Your human mind cannot comprehend what I want to teach you and others through you. But do not fret…I would not have called you to do this if I had not intended to enable you to do it. I am preparing to take you and those who come for Daily Bread and the Bible Study lessons to a new level of revelation…to new heights. I will walk there with all of you; I will hold your hands as We ascend. Three times in Scripture you have been given the assurance that I will give you hinds’ feet and take you to high places (II Samuel 22:34; Psalm 18:33 and Habakkuk 3:19). Trust Me to enable you to walk the path that you have been destined to walk.