Listener: Holy Spirit awakened me in the Fifth Watch and spoke these words as soon as I reached the Mountain. Holy Spirit: I have been holding the oil of anointing for this congregation…for the portion of the Body of Christ of which you are a member, Listener. It is now time for this oil of anointing to flow freely in this remnant Body. The evidence of this flow began last night in the pulpit with the manifestation of the oil of the fullness of passionate Evangelism with which I have anointed the Younger Preacher. I have given him the ability to stand firm on the Word that I give him, and to deliver that Word in the full flow of the anointing of his Office. Listener: After giving me this awesome revelation, the Holy Spirit instructed me to encourage the Younger Preacher by sharing this with him. Then He interrupted this wonderful flow of revelation at 7:20 by telling me to go immediately into intercession for one who was scheduled for back surgery at 7:30. When I began to pray He gave me this relatively brief but very specific prayer…I was kneeling and did not record His words, but as well as I can recall I prayed that when the doctors went in to do the surgery, they would not find what they had expected to find…that they would witness a miracle. I did record all of the words which He spoke after I finished praying. He said: My reminder to pray for the back surgery was also intended to encourage the Younger Preacher, not because you prayed but because I told you to pray…because I interrupted the flow of revelation to tell you to go into intercession. Tell him this and rejoice in My answer to that prayer. Then He continued: The message that I have given you so far this morning is also part of the anointing of this Body. IT BEGINS…the full flow in this place where you hear My Word preached. And the place, the physical meeting place, will soon have to be larger to hold all those who will come. However, even as Jesus preached to the multitudes but taught the twelve privately, so must this remnant core continue to hear My deeper words at the time and at the place appointed. Listener: In the middle of this strong flow of revelation on the Mountain, my pen gave out of ink…and the Holy Spirit told me to go to the computer. When I was seated at the computer, He told me to send an e-mail to the Younger Preacher with the word that He had given me for him. After I sent the e-mail, Holy Spirit told me to go to the Lord’s Table. As I prepared the bread and the wine, thoughts of the day before me came to mind…the funeral that I would attend in a little while…the funeral of my mother almost eight months ago…the time that I spent placing Christmas flowers on the graves of loved ones at the cemetery earlier this week… And then He spoke: Death is of this world…focus on Me and the spiritual realm to which I take you. Receive the joy of My presence… the Life which I infuse into your earthly life…and the indescribable joy which you will know when you and those who have gone before meet with Me in the air. As I wrote those words, I remembered what I saw when I went into my e-mail server to send the words of encouragement that the Holy Spirit had given me for the Younger Preacher…in the bold print of the title line of one of three unread e-mail ads were these words…The clock is ticking….. I believe that the clock truly is ticking…that the time is short…and that everything that the Holy Spirit told me today relates to that fact. Although I wanted to linger on the Mountain after communion hoping to hear more of the flow of revelation, I had to prepare to go the funeral mentioned earlier. However, to my surprise, this was truly a blessing. As I sat quietly for a while waiting for the service to begin… thinking of my mother, the person whose funeral I was attending today, and his wife who had died several years earlier, Holy Spirit began to speak: I Am here, you know. You have not heard Me at other funeral services because you were not listening…sometimes because you were so deep in mourning, sometimes because your thoughts were elsewhere or you were distracted…but today your spirit is very quiet…it was quiet this morning when I was able to give you the flow of revelation….I hear you thoughts Listener, and I will answer your questions, at least in part. I Am here as the indwelling Holy Spirit in My temple, those Believers who are here present. I Am also here in the quiet manifestation of My Presence. As I Am manifesting My Presence by speaking to you, I Am manifesting it to other Believers in other ways…to some as peace; to some as comfort, to some as an effort to bring them to the stillness of quiet reception which will enable them to experience My Presence. Listener: At that point the service began, but it soon became obvious, to me at least but surely to others as well, obvious that the Presence of the Holy Spirit was manifested in the two ministers who so movingly combined their reminiscences of a dearly beloved brother with passages of Scripture which he had both loved and lived. I have attended many funerals where I heard good sermons preached and eloquent words of love and appreciation expressed, but this was different. I do not know whether the difference was in what actually took place or whether it was in the fact that the Holy Spirit quickened my spirit to recognize His Presence in what occurred. Perhaps it was both. Shalom