Listener: This morning Holy Spirit awakened me in the Fourth Watch, but I did not go to the Mountain. Not in disobedience but in fatigue, with a promise to myself and to Him that I would rest for just a few moments before arising. But I slept and did not awaken until well past the time for the day’s tasks to begin. The Holy Spirit very graciously gave me Daily Bread as I stood over The Lord’s Table, and later, during morning prayer, He spoke: You did not come to the Mountain this morning. I missed you. If you had come and asked, I would have given you rest and physical restoration there. I am willing and able to meet all of your needs, the needs of all Believers, but so many of you try to meet those needs in your own strength, in your own way. Remember to ask for what you need. Now, post the message that I gave you for Daily Bread and pray that those to whom you write will receive it. Daily Bread: The rapture of My Church is not a universally accepted belief, but I have told you many times in the messages which I give to the Listener, I WILL COME. In these messages I Am referring to My coming in the clouds to receive My Body…My Bride. Most of you who read this today believe that this is Truth, but to any who may read it in the future and doubt, I offer two verses of Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17 (the rapture – When I come in the air for My Church) and Revelation 19:11- 16 (My Second Coming- when I return to earth to claim My Kingdom). I will take you from the earth before the tribulation. When this happens many explanations will be offered by and to those who remain as to what happened to the Believers who rose to meet Me in the air. The lies which are offered to explain your disappearance may well be accepted by a people conditioned for such a long time to believe lies. However, among those who remain on earth after the rapture will be those who will finally Believe…who will accept Me as their Savior. Some of these were taught the Truth before the rapture but never came to Me; others will receive My message from those who have become Believers because of the witness of the rapture. Note what I just said…the witness of the rapture. The eyes of those who come to Christ during the tribulation will be opened when the Truth of My Word is validated, when this Truth is confirmed by the disappearance of so many Believers. Not only will they come to Me, their belief in Me will be so strong that they will accept martyrdom rather than deny Me by taking the mark of the Beast. The souls of these tribulation martyrs will find refuge under the heavenly altar, and they will be given the white robes of My righteousness. I gave my servant John this revelation regarding those who refused to deny their faith by denying Me during the tribulation (Revelation 19:11-16). History as well as My Word records the death of many First Century Christians who also chose death rather than deny Me…not only the Apostles but also ordinary Believers. To take such a stand when you know the consequences requires great faith and absolutely unshakable Belief. Those early Christians had the tangible witness of My death and Resurrection… tangible in the sense that they either saw or heard from eyewitnesses that I died and rose from the grave, a witness which could be received as reality by the mind. Those who remain after the rapture in this Last Century will have a tangible witness…the witness of the disappearance of those Believers whom I have taken to heaven. But if those who remain do not know what has happened, if their knowledge of Scripture is so limited that they have never even heard that I was coming in the air for My Church…the witness is weakened. They will need extraordinarily strong belief and great faith to refuse the demands of the antichrist; they will need the witness of the rapture. My workers in the field reaping the final Harvest must teach the rapture as well as preaching the Gospel. The rapture is not to be offered as an inducement to accept Me; it is to be presented so that those who do not come to Me now will remember that you spoke Truth about the rapture and then may also accept the Truth about My offering salvation by Grace. If they come to Me during the tribulation, they will be under enormous pressure to recant…to deny Me by taking the mark of the Beast. They will desperately need the strong witness of the rapture to help to sustain them as they go to the martyr’s death which enables them to receive the white robes of My righteousness when their souls come to the altar in Heaven.