Listener: I am being led to share with you how Holy Spirit dealt with me this morning. I believe that the purpose for this sharing is so that you will not be surprised, may even expect to be so led…when He does the same thing for you. Today He apparently spoke in the Spirit of the Lord. He awakened me first in the Third Watch, but once again I decided that this was not His call…a decision that I have determined not to make again without submitting it to Him in prayer. It was well into the Fifth Watch before I finally awakened and struggled but could not ascend the Mountain. The first words that He spoke to me were Pour the Wine and break the Bread. I will not give you a blow- by- blow description of what followed as I stood at the Lord’s Table… a brief except will give you the general idea. Holy Spirit: Listener, you have been attempting to feed a spiritual hunger with food and the distraction of television. Seek Me and I will feed your deepest hunger. You hunger for Me, the hunger for which you have prayed for so long for the Body of which you are a member…that they would hunger for Me, for My Words, to seek not only My Presence but also to be immersed in My Word, the Logos. Now you, Listener, need to feed on My Word as well as on My words which I have enabled you to hear. Last night you heard My Word preached with fervor, the fervor and the fire for which you had prayed. You wandered briefly into a dry and thirsty land; now it is time to be fed and renewed. As you meditate over the Bread and the Wine representing My Body and My Blood, I give you a message that you must not only share, you must also live. You and those who hear My Voice through you must NEVER FORGET that you are children of God, and that as you walk in the Spirit, you will become the mature SONS of God (Romans 8:14-17). You know this Scripture: Live it! Whether you walk in the dry lowlands or on the High Places, remember who you are and Whose you are and walk in that sure and certain knowledge. Even on the Cross, I did not forget Who I AM. I suffered and died as the Son of Man, but I also remembered that I Am the Son of God. In the midst of the intense physical pain of the beatings, the nails and the Cross; the agonizing spiritual pain as I bore the sins of the world and in the resulting hours of separation from My Father, I remembered Who I AM. I called out to my Father when I asked Him to forgive those who were crucifying Me (Luke 23:34). Remembering that I suffered and died as the Son of Man, I called out to Him as My God in the darkness when He had to turn His back on Me as I bore the sins of all mankind for you (Mark 15:34). And at My death, I committed My spirit to My Father (Luke 23:46). Remember the Cross; this is the purpose of communion… remember the purpose of the Cross, remember Me, and remember that I died for you. Know that now you live in Me and must live for Me. You must live in the certain knowledge of who you are and Whose you are. Never forget how and at what price you gained access to the Mountain of My Presence. Listener, this is why, when you have difficulty reaching the Mountain, I send you to My Table…to remind you of who and Whose you are, that you have been made whole…in My Love, in My Peace, in All Ways…in My Shalom.