Listener: This morning I was awakened well into the Fifth Watch after a very late night spent reviewing entries in my revelation notebook. I wandered around at the base of the mountain for some time before I asked Holy Spirit to take me to the High Places. I intended to say “to the top of the Mountain” but the words which came out were “to the High Places.” His answer was Ask and you shall receive. Are you ready? Without hesitation I answered “Yes.” Then He commented Sometimes it can be a rocky road but the Way that you are to go is clearly marked. Open your eyes, you must see as well as hear. You cannot ascend when you are blinded by the things of this world. My response to this, which I deeply regret but have been told that I must record, was “I walk through a dry and thirsty land, and this morning You have given me no Water for this thirst.” After I made that ill-considered and most ungracious remark to the One Who has been so unfailingly gracious and kind to me, Who has blessed me far beyond what I ever could have imagined, Holy Spirit pierced my heart by reminding me of the children of Israel and their complaints after God had delivered them from Egypt, parted the Red Sea…given them miracle after miracle. But Holy Spirit also used my misspoken words to reveal to me that many of the rocks on that rocky road to the High Places are actually placed there by our own actions, attitudes, and words. I mentioned the fact that the Holy Spirit has been unfailingly gracious and kind to me…He demonstrated this by immediately giving me a vision. He had told me that I must have eyes to see; now He provided those eyes. I saw myself seated on the back pew of a church which resembled the church which my parents and grandparents had attended when I was a child, but in the vision I was an adult. I was very hungry, so hungry that I hardly heard the words in the sermon which was being preached. While the pastor was still in the pulpit, I got up and went outside to walk around the church to the kitchen to find food. Then the vision ended, and I heard Holy Spirit say Take the Bread and the Wine … now. He continued to speak as I prepared for communion. I told you yesterday when you were concerned about receiving a Daily Bread message, that those messages are even more important to Me than they are to you. If I give you no other message today, your struggle this morning is a message. Then I asked Him, “Why have I struggled so this morning? Will the Daily Bread message come to me as I sit at the computer? He answered, We will see. And then He explained, You have always thought when I answer “We will see” that it means what your mother meant when she said it…“I will make a decision later.” But when I give you that answer it usually means that I will answer when you are ready to receive My answer, or when the time is right, or when you need to know. In some instances it has meant that in time I would add a visual element to your hearing. Now that time has come. I have given you eyes to see…to “see” with deeper comprehension and understanding as well as to see visions. When you receive visions, you need both eyes to see and ears to hear My interpretation of the vision. Listener: Later, when I reviewed all that I had seen and heard this morning, I could discern no cohesive message until Holy Spirit revealed it to me. He explained that the connecting thread is hunger and thirst. Spiritual hunger and thirst for More… more revelation so that we will be able to draw closer to Him, to hunger for His Presence, hunger for His Truth, to have a deep and yearning hunger to experience His Love for us and for Him to translate that Love within us into Love for Him and for others…Love for other Believers and Love for the lost. And, finally, a burning Thirst for the Living Water to flow through us…to flood through us.