Listener: This morning Holy Spirit began to speak as soon as I reached the top of the Mountain…and He continued for some time to give me a message so deep, so filled with revelation that I could neither write nor comprehend all that He was telling me. I believe that when He ceased to speak it was not because He had said everything that He had to say, but because He knew that I had received all that I could receive this morning. Hear His words. Holy Spirit speaks: Listener, I know that you cannot understand what I am about to tell you…just accept it as Truth. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit are One in a sense beyond the comprehension of man. When I speak to you, the words that you hear are the words of Almighty God spoken through Me, His Holy Spirit. I dwell within you in hypostatic union not yet fully manifested. I indwell you awaiting the day when that union will be fully manifested. One of the reasons why the Seven Spirits of God, the seven attributes of the fullness of My manifestation, are not more evident in Scripture is because this manifested fullness takes place on earth during only two brief periods. The Messianic prophecy of Isaiah (Isaiah 11) referred to the first period…the three and one-half years when all seven Spirits were fully manifested by the sinless, fully consecrated Son of Man. The second manifestation will begin to take place on earth in Believers during the end times for an as yet unspecified period of time. This second manifestation will not be fully evident in the beginning, but as the return of Jesus for His Church nears, the full manifestation of the Seven Spirits of God will truly become “rivers of Living Water” flowing out of His Body (John 7:38) The prophet Isaiah gave the descriptive names of these seven Spirits in a Messianic prophecy recorded years before the Babylonian captivity. This prophecy indicated the period of the first manifestation. The seven Spirits are not specifically mentioned again in Scripture until John records four times in the Book of Revelation that He saw the seven Spirits before the throne of God. The period indicated in John’s end time revelation was preceded years ago, in the sixteenth century, by the revelation that Martin Luther experienced during his study of the Book of Romans…that Salvation is received and retained…comes to the Believer and remains with him always by Grace received through Faith…not by works. Then, in the early twentieth century the Body of Christ was graced by the evidence of My indwelling Presence provided by those Believers who received the revival of the first century Baptism in the Holy Spirit…the manifestation of the filling of the Spirit and the gifts of My Spirit. This filling and My gifts of power have been available, and evident in a portion of the Body of Christ for more than a century. God has been preparing the Body of Christ for centuries to receive the fullness of the seven Spirits. Now, He is ready, has already begun to reveal to all Believers and to enable them to experience and to allow the full manifestation of the seven Spirits to flow through them. God’s timetable for the full effects of this manifestation has not yet been revealed. The fullness of this fullness may come like wildfire and spread throughout the earth very quickly, or it may spread slowly, even through several centuries. God knows but He has not yet chosen to reveal the timing to the Body of Christ. Listener: Holy Spirit gave revelation on another topic this morning but has indicated that it is to be held until another time. However, He has told me to share my belief, the belief which came to me during this time on the Mountain…not in His words, but in my heart. I believe that the first evidence of the fullness of the Seven Spirits of God will be the manifestation of the Spirit of the Lord …the Love of Christ… and that this Love will be manifested in the unity of the Church…Manifested by His Love which will prevail over all divisions and enable His Church to truly become His Body for a brief period which will signal His return for His Bride.