Listener: Holy Spirit poured out revelation for an extended period on the Mountain this morning, but He specified that much of it is to be held until He releases me to give it to you. I do know that a portion of this revelation is to be expanded and included in the Bible Study, but when I asked if certain personal revelations were for Daily Bread, His answer was We will see. I am still not certain whether this indicates that at a later time He will give us the spiritual eyes to perceive and to understand, or whether it means that He will answer the question later. He did tell me to give you these four words, indicating that they are the keys to our being used by God as He desires to use us…intimacy with God, humility before God, a hunger for More of God and the faith of God. The faith to which He referred is not the Believer’s faith in God but the gift of faith, the faith of God given to enable us do what He has called us to do. A major portion of the revelation this morning related, at least indirectly, to the vision of healing that He gave me almost two weeks ago and about which He has spoken frequently and at length since then. Now, as I sit here typing, the Holy Spirit has answered the question as to whether He wishes this specific personal revelation to be included in Daily Bread; He has instructed me to give you the words that He spoke to me. I do so in humble obedience. Holy Spirit: 21 days. Listener, in 21 days you will manifest the mantle of healing which I revealed to you more than a month ago and which was prophesied by another a number of months before that. I have given you faith for the divine, miraculous healing of the one whom you saw in the vision. Do not shrink back from that to which you have been called. You are correct when you tell Me that you are not worthy…But I AM, and I have chosen to use you as My instrument. During those 21 days you will fast and pray. As I have told you before, We will work around your physical limitations. I will give you instructions regarding the fast; it will be intermittent, and modified to a slow fast at times, but I will honor the intent. However, the prayer will definitely not be intermittent. This is to be a season of deep and fervent intercession, not only for the one who is to be healed but also for those to whom you speak who are destined to become Carriers of My Fire… remembering that I have revealed to you that the anointing of healing is a major aspect of their commission. I do not issue a general call to fast and pray but will bless any who choose to do so. 21 Days is the Appointed Time. Fast and Pray.