Holy Spirit : Listener, you came to the Mountain this morning to receive My message; now, as you begin to record that message for Daily Bread, I tell you that your spiritual state when you came to the Mountain today is a part of My message. We will begin with the words that you spoke to Me as I was speaking to you, your words indicating the struggle that you were experiencing. You did not question whose Voice you were hearing…you Knew … and you recognized not only My Voice, but also the Truth of My words. Your struggle was not with My words or the Truth which I spoke, but with your inability to receive them. You asked to be enabled to understand what you knew that you must receive, or if not to understand fully, at least to be able to walk in it without such pain. Your struggle was so intense that your body ached and your heart was pierced, but your spirit waited in breathless anticipation for the end of the struggle, for you to yield to Me…to yield your mind, your will and your emotions. We must tell those to whom you write that it was only later, when you saw the wine glass into which you were about to pour the wine of communion fall to the floor and shatter…and heard My Voice telling you that you cannot pour New Wine into an old wineskin… that it was only then that you bowed your head and your heart in submission to My message…the message which you had heard from my obedient servant yesterday… and which you heard again from Me this morning. We must tell them of the strength that you began to receive as you took the bread representing the Body of the One whom you Love and drank from a new wineglass the wine representing His Blood, the cup of the New Testament. Tell them that it was the strength and the peace that you finally received in full after the prayer and encouragement of My earthly Messenger… the strength and the peace which will enable you to record a portion of the message which I spoke to you on the Mountain this morning. Tell them all this so that if, and when they have difficulty receiving My Truth revealed at the new heights to which we are ascending, that they may remember your struggle…and know that I will ultimately give them rest and peace. So…let us begin to record part of that message…a message so deep and so rich that we will continue it for days to come. Know that what the Listener experienced yesterday and this morning was mourning, mourning for what was perceived as “loss.” A false perception because the Listener failed to focus on what I told all of you recently…that I was about to take all who would go with Me to a new spiritual dimension, to new heights, to high places…and that the road to those high places was a rocky road. That I was about to give to the Listener and all who would receive them…”eyes to see,” to enable you to understand deeper truths, deeper insights…the “ great and mighty things” promised by Jeremiah. A substantial portion of this understanding will come from what has long been available in My Word… especially in the writings of My servant Paul. As young eaglets are fed food which has been partially pre-digested in their parents, thus many of My Truths have been made available to you in his epistles, the letters which I commissioned him to write to the Believers of his day and to those of centuries to come. Writings provided to tell you what I had told him, deep truths to which I opened the eyes of his understanding. You may find, as the Listener did, that you do not see what you expected to see with your new vision, with your eyes of understanding. You must accept the new vision that I am giving you and move forward in it. The Light is brighter here on the High Places, but I assure you that you will not be blinded by it. Do not mourn, as the Listener did, that which you may think you have lost.. you simply view it now in a New Light.