Listener: Last Friday Holy Spirit gave us four words which He said were the keys to our being used by God as He desires to use us…intimacy with God, humility before God, a hunger for More of God and the faith of God. He also directed me to use and expand on these four words in Sunday night’s Bible Study lesson. Now, in today’s Daily Bead, He has returned to two of these keys. I believe that His emphasis on this message is significant. At some point since He gave me the vision of healing on January 27, Holy Spirit told me that He has built a wall around my faith that the vision would come to pass. I had never heard this phrase applied to faith, but I found it comforting. Then, last night, as I was reading a book written by one of the leaders of the healing conference to which Holy Spirit directed me, that phrase jumped off the page…a wall around our faith. As I thanked God for this gift of confirmation, I heard the Voice of Holy Spirit: Listener, I didn’t just build a wall; I built a fortress! Listener: And He truly has. I believe that at this point, if Holy Spirit told me to walk into a lion’s den,…and then confirmed it… that I could pick up a bag of Meow Mix and walk in knowing that I was protected. Hmmm, now that I have made that statement I feel a bit uneasy, but when I thought about taking it out, Holy Spirit told me to leave it in. I hope that those are not prophetic words. I also hope that the day will come when I will not need confirmation. I am grateful that I know that I will always need His protection and His Power. My prayer is that I will never attempt to do God’s will in my own strength. He has blessed me so greatly by allowing me to enter into this intimate relationship; to hear the Voice of Holy Spirit; to be given such revelation and to experience His Love and Peace. I pray that I may walk in these great blessings with humility. As I spoke that prayer, Holy Spirit spoke: We are working on that now. This is one of the reasons why I instructed you to fast and pray, to humble yourself before God. When you are used to manifest the power of God it is essential that you take no credit for the results of that manifestation; that you do not attempt to touch the Glory of God. Any pride on your part would have the effect of throwing water on the Fire. Fear not; I Am preparing you well, and I will protect you.