Holy Spirit: Remember the vision that I gave to the Listener years ago of the men walking down the aisle of the church carrying standards topped with hyssop. When hyssop is dipped in the Blood of Sacrifice It cleanses in atonement. If I had called you to evangelism, the hyssop that you would carry would be dipped in the Atoning Blood of Jesus. However, while the fulfillment of your call may ultimately result in some being led to Jesus, this is not your primary mission; others have been called to that mission field. Your mission is to carry My Work of Sanctification to those who are already Believers, whom I indwell and by whom I Am quenched and grieved. The Fire which you carry will not only accelerate My sanctification of their souls but, for those who are receptive. will culminate in their receiving the Baptism in My Spirit. When you, as the united remnant of a remnant, accept My call and have been fully prepared, then I will set the hyssop which you carry ablaze with the Fire of My Sanctification. Those to whom you will carry this Fire have received salvation but have never yielded to Me to allow Me to carry out the progressive sanctification of their souls. My Fire will so strongly impact these Believers that many will turn from rejection to full and eager reception, in some cases desperately desired reception. However, be aware that this will not always be the case. The worldly Believers to whom you carry My Fire will, for the most part, be ignited by that Fire when their eyes are opened to the emptiness of life in the world. Those who have not turned to the world but whose hearts have grown cold and who have not been receptive to Me will also respond to the witness of My Fire. Those who have willfully turned from Me and those who have wandered away will more readily recognize their need for Me and for My Fire. Those who will not respond well will be the Believers who have been deceived, who have truly believed that they were saved by Grace but who have also been led to believe that they must continue to walk in works. Those who have believed that they were living a godly life because their life has adhered to moral values and been dedicated to “religious activities,” even regular church attendance and participation in church projects. They will refuse to recognize that they are depending on their works for their Father’s continued acceptance; that they are walking in religiosity rather than in the Spirit. They have been blinded to the spiritual truth that their hearts have not been open to Holy Spirit. Some of these Believers will not only reject My Fire but will also actively oppose the Fire Carriers and attempt to quench the Fire. Be not afraid. If these are true Believers, My Fire and the supernatural Love and Power given to the Fire Carriers will overcome this opposition in spite of the efforts to suppress the Truth which My Fire has revealed. I tell you this today because I want you to know that the call that I have given you is real and has eternal implications. You are to Love your brothers and sisters in Christ, even and perhaps especially, those who are most in need of My Fire of Sanctification. I Am offering you an opportunity to express that Love in a most meaningful way. The Fire which you carry will penetrate your hearts also; you will experience new levels of commitment and intimacy with Me; your hearts will overflow with My Love. The Seven Spirits of God will surge through you in a never-ending flow. You are blessed beyond measure to have been called. Answer My call and step into the fullness of the Blessing of God.