Holy Spirit: Listener, do you wish to know why you and those to whom you write need this period of rest and restoration that I have provided for you? It is because you have been, for the most part, attempting to answer in your own strength the call which you have been given, and that attempt has exhausted you, both physically and spiritually. You truly desire and receive My Presence and My leading, and, after receiving both, you then begin to limp in your strength along the path that I have shown you. Your determination, your strength, your endurance, even your love and dedication are all inadequate to fully accomplish that to which you have been called. I told you recently that I Am the Path. It is only when you yield to Me completely, when you recognize and accept what Paul told you in 2 Corinthians12:9, that My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness that you will be able to fulfill your destiny. The primary problem is that you have little understanding of God. Your finite minds can never comprehend, never understand Almighty God, but you can come to know Him and His Ways. One of His Ways is that He has chosen to accomplish His will on earth through man…this is one of the reasons that He, that We created man. Remember that He said in Genesis 1:26 Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness. Believers accept the truth of the Holy Trinity expressed in this twenty-sixth verse of the first chapter of Holy Scripture…but you cannot comprehend It. You know that We are One…but you do not and cannot understand How We are One. This limitation of your finite minds is one of the reasons why you are taught by example rather than by explanation…and the Listener trembled when I said that, knowing who I usually use as an example in Daily Bread. I watch in much the same manner that an earthly parent watches his child attempt to learn to tie his shoe…allowing him to struggle and make mistakes so that he may learn life skills. So I watch as you struggle through spiritual lessons designed to teach you to walk in the Spirit, with your spiritual shoes tied so that you do not stumble and fall. I could easily do the task for you, but you would not learn what I wish to teach you, and what I wish to teach you has eternal impact. One of the reasons why I work through man on earth is to demonstrate My Sovereignty to all created beings, both earthly and heavenly. Consider the lesson expressed in 2 Corinthians 12:9 and look at the example of the one for whose healing the Listener has prayed for many years. I could have miraculously answered that prayer long ago, and that answer would have demonstrated My Power as well as Glorifying Me. But surely you can see that when the healing comes, not like a bolt of lightning but by My enabling a weak and yielded human being to exercise the spiritual gifts of prophecy, faith, healing and miracles to bring not only healing but new life and a mission for which the one healed is equipped by his miraculous deliverance…surely you can see that this is a greater declaration of My Sovereignty. That this gives Me greater Glory and demonstrates My Power both in the one who is healed and through the one to whom I gave the manifestation of the gifts of the Spirit. And yes Listener, now I will allow you to write the disclaimer…when My power is exercised through one who would not touch My Glory with a ten foot pole!! So, what is the lesson taught by this example? The lesson is that this period of rest and restoration is not intended to give you the strength to go forth to fight spiritual battles with renewed human strength; it is to allow you to Be Still and know that I Am God, and to go forth yielded to Me so that I can not only show you great and mighty things but so that through you I can DO great and mighty things.