Listener: This morning Holy Spirit awakened me early in the Fourth Watch. I was fully awake, not even sleepy, which makes what happened surprising. He gave me a word specifically for someone who needs an encouraging word. I wrote the words and then began to pray for that person. Apparently when I closed my eyes to pray, my brain interpreted this as a signal to go to sleep. I did not emerge from that sleep until it was time for the day to begin. Holy Spirit had given me no message for Daily Bread, but He had given me peace in my heart. He did not speak as I walked and prayed in the woods with the dog: He did not speak when I stood at the Lord’s Table. Finally He began to speak as I sat on the floor beside a little dog who is so insecure when he comes to eat that he sometimes must be reassured by more than my standing near him; he needs me come down to his level, sitting close enough to touch him. Holy Spirit: Listener, many, probably most Believers are like your little dog, they need reassurance that I Am right there beside them, ready to protect and to provide…and when they rest in that assurance, then they can ingest and digest the spiritual nourishment that I provide. Now, go to the computer and I will give you More. Listener: When the dog finished licking his bowl and I sat at the computer, Holy Spirit did indeed give me More. What He gave me is to be measured by depth rather than by length. Holy Spirit: Listener, if you, if those to whom you write, if all Believers had any concept of the awesome magnitude of the One whom you worship, you would remain prostrate on your faces before Him day and night. Your language has no words to express His Magnificent Holiness. In His mercy He does not fully reveal Himself to you…in your present state you could not survive that revelation. I give you only glimpses, small revelations which seem to you to be great and mighty, which are great and mighty, but which are still only tiny bits of His Glorious Plan. The next time that you sing a song which attempts to express and to acknowledge this Awesomely Magnificent Holiness, ask Me to enable you to enter into the words that you sing, to fill your heart with reverence and with wonder so that you may truly worship in Spirit and in truth the One Who Loves you, Who is your God. You are not singing as you read this, but I tell you as I told the Listener…Do this now. It will bless your day.