Holy Spirit: Yesterday I spoke to you about one aspect of the awesome magnitude of Almighty God, His Holiness. Today I want to speak to you about another aspect of God: His attention and care regarding even the smallest details of everything that He creates or brings to pass. In some respects this precision demonstrates His magnitude in a manner which the human mind can grasp more easily than attributes such as His Holiness. But in another respect you find it incomprehensible that He gave and gives such attention to the minute details of His Creation … from butterflies to day lilies, not to mention mankind, even to knowing the number of hairs on your head (Matthew 10:30). This thought comforts you because you know that you are only one of millions in this present generation and untold millions in the preceding years. Yet you believe that he has indeed done what Scripture tells you…He has numbered the hairs on all of these heads. You do not understand why such a seemingly insignificant thing would be done and even recorded in Scripture, but it is recorded in the Word of God and so you believe it. And if you can believe that, why do you have so much difficulty believing, truly believing…the kind of belief which produces action…why can you not believe that the One whose creation you are will provide for your every need? Very, very few Believers reach the point of completely trusting My provision…both physical and spiritual provision. You serve a Mighty God. I tell you this frequently because your actions tend to indicate that you do not yet realize just how Mighty I AM. When you come to more fully appreciate My Power and Love, especially My Love for you, then you can begin to enter into My Peace. And did you know that when you enter into My Peace, I can begin to exercise My Power through you? That may sound strange, but when you enter into my Peace, you rest in Me…and in that position of rest you become available for My Power to flow through you. This Daily Bread may seem to provide a very basic message with little revelation. but until you master the basics you cannot move on to the more advanced. The more advanced will lead you to the place where you will truly live and move and have your being in Me.