Tabula Rasa

Holy Spirit Has Spoken

The Listener speaks: A few days ago Holy Spirit gave me a revelation so deep that I did not expect Him to release it to be posted. However, now He has told me that it is time for Believers to begin to experience the awesomely intimate relationship desired by the Almighty God who created us and whom we worship. Speaking with great tenderness Holy Spirit explained that when we enter His Presence we are blessed to  hear His Voice as He speaks to us with words of familiar intimacy, expressing His  Love, giving us revelation and instruction, but we do not realize that the intimacy which God desires and offers to us is more than loving familiarity. He offers us the intimacy of spiritual oneness with Him far beyond our understanding. Not simply accepting the concept but actually experiencing spiritual Oneness in and with God…the Bride is one with Jesus; the Body of Christ is one in Him. We have long accepted…not understood, but accepted that God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit are One…the Holy Trinity.  Our minds cannot comprehend our being a part of that Holy Oneness, but our spirits embrace it. Holy Spirit gave me additional revelation regarding this but has advised that the revelation shared today calls for prayer asking for understanding, acceptance, and to begin to experience this enhanced intimacy.  When you have begun to digest this post, Holy Spirit will provide the next one. After I received this message, Holy Spirit prompted me to seek confirmation that the Voice which I heard was truly His Voice, so I asked, ‘In Whose Name have You spoken?”   I heard …You know, before I even begin to speak the words to give you assurance…because of the great peace which floods your soul…I speak in the Name of your waiting Bridegroom…Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior.