The retrospective presentation of revelation given to the Listener by the Holy Spirit in 2019 continues:
July: On July 1 the Holy Spirit told me to begin a three day fast, giving this verse as a guide...1 Peter 5:6. Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time. After a three day journey through the difficult and exhausting phases of humility, I came to the point of submission and trust which, I believe, led to the greater spiritual depth of the revelations received in the last six months of 2019.
August: Be prepared to wait upon the Lord. Make yourself a tabular rasa so that I can write the message in a clean book – on a clean slate. Early in August the Holy Spirit began to lead me to build the Window to take his messages to a larger audience. Through visions and verbal instructions as well as the technical assistance to which He led me, within a month He was awakening me to wait upon the Lord on the Mountain in the early morning and the Window was opened to you.
September 3: (the first post in Daily Bread) Beloved, this first message that I give to you will be lengthy. This is for your protection. If you are reading this, you are seeking a deeper walk with Me, which I most earnestly desire. But, the enemy will not be pleased.You must remember that in these days, these end times, you are in an almost constant battle. Satan will continue to buffet you. The more committed you are to seeking and doing My will, the more relentlessly he will attack. You must wear the armor that I have provided for you every day. (Ephesians 6:13-18).
October: The infilling of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit has many purposes.. .faith, power, healing, miracles… all of the gifts of the Spirit. What I desire to give you now is the overflow, the Rivers of Living Water…. . The flood in the days of Noah was to cleanse the earth; this overflowing flood is to cleanse My people, the Body of Christ. This is not the cleansing of salvation; this is the cleansing of consecration…to prepare the Bride for the Bridegroom.
November: Today He does not call us to die the death of those Believers who were burned at the stake, killed by lions in the Roman Colosseum, stoned to death, crucified…. But He still calls us to die for Him, to die to self, to the flesh…And He also calls us to live for Him…as a living sacrifice. (Galatians 2:20, 5:24; Romans 12:1). He will give us His strength to do this, if we ask Him.
December: You have all been prepared and still are being prepared to go into battle. As you go, know that the ground most fiercely contested is always the High Ground. The victory has already been won; now you must claim it. Many of you, most of you have made the commitment to follow wherever I lead. You have been consecrated, set apart for walk in that consecration…and never forget Who walks beside you.
The Holy Spirit Speaks: The themes evident in these twelve messages reflect the content of the many messages which I have given to the Listener on 295 of the 365 days in 2019. I have given revelation after revelation, conveyed first in the lessons to the Bible Study class and now also with day-by-day access through the Window which I have provided. These messages have expressed the importance of, the significance of, the necessity of, My calling to, My warnings of,. My provision for… Consecration, Love, Submission, Trust, Spiritual Warfare, Obedience, Seeking My Presence and Hearing My Voice. Let not My efforts be in vain. I so strongly desire to reach you, to inform you, to inspire you, to lead you in the paths of righteousness and victory, to prepare you for what is to come…and to enable you to experience the infinite Love of your Creator. May all of these things come to pass in this Year of Our Lord 2020. Amen.