Holy Spirit: I want My people to realize, to know that a miracle is a miracle. When I bring about anything supernaturally, by My Power, it is miraculous. In your eyes, which see in the natural realm, there is no comparison between the magnitude of the miracle of My parting the Red Sea and My miraculous healing of a migraine headache but know that the exercise of My supernatural Power is the element of the miraculous in both instances. You see in the natural realm, where the effect of these two miracles differs greatly; but it is My Moving that is miraculous not the effect of that moving which is observed in the natural. You tend to categorize My miracles like hurricanes…categories one, two, three, four and five. But be assured that when I move, when My Power brings anything to pass in the natural realm, it is miraculous. That I see, that I move to address your small problems, your less significant needs should bring forth as much praise as those instances of major need when I heal your cancer; enable you to survive a major accident, rescue you from financial disaster. The Power that miraculously meets those needs is the same in each instance. There is no great, greater and greatest classification of miracles…a miracle is a miracle…it is only the effect of My Moving, of My miraculous work that is great, greater and greatest. When Jesus said in John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. Jesus spoke of the fact that when He went to sit at the right hand of the Father, I would come, as the Promise of the Father, to indwell all Believers, and that those Believers who yield to me would enable Me to exercise the supernatural Power of God through them to bring about the most significant miracle since My Coming at Pentecost… the building of the Church of Jesus Christ and the nurturing edification of that Church to serve as His Body here on earth. I draw the lost to Jesus, but the testimonies, both the spoken and the living testimonies of Believers, are effective in bringing about the consummation of My drawing. God truly does move in mysterious ways, and you would do well to be receptive to move as you are led to move; to recognize that My Power is miraculous; to recognize that when …O When you yield to Me to allow Me to use that Power through you…to work through you, You will see that nothing is impossible!