Listener: Holy Spirit did not awaken me this morning in His usual manner. I heard my cell phone ring and immediately arose, anticipating an emergency indicated by the very early call. But my cell phone did not show an incoming call. Then I heard the Voice of Holy Spirit: This is an urgent call. Hear My Voice. I speak to you as the Spirit of the Lord Jesus. The weather… you must begin this morning to receive and post the Daily Bread and to complete the lesson. Walk the dog now. I will speak at Communion. Listener: I heard nothing at the Lord’s Table, but when I knelt for morning prayer, wondering about Daily Bread, He began to speak. Holy Spirit: You are about to receive My message. Get your notebook and lose the sense of urgency. It was important for you to begin your day early because the night will be dark. Tell those who hear the Bible Study lessons on Sunday night to make every effort to be present tomorrow night. The message that I am giving you to present then is an important part of their preparation to walk where I am leading the remnant Body of which they are the core. In order to reach, to struggle with determination and diligence to reach any goal, you must have a vision of the goal. I am in the process of providing that vision now…not vision for the final goal…only glimpses of that glory which will come in the very last days. This vision of which I speak now is for one of the last preliminary steps toward that final goal. I have told you that I will not dispel the darkness, but I will provide a refuge of Glorious Light and a Beacon to lead all who will come to that refuge. If this Body, those to whom you speak and write, is a true refuge, the members will begin to respond to My messages which they receive here and from those who speak to them in My Name. You are already witnessing some of that response. Others, whose minds are not yet ready to receive the vision, are beginning to receive it in their spirits. Those who see the vision must intercede for those in this Body who do not yet have the eyes of understanding… who hear with their physical ears rather than their spiritual ears, who have not seen, have not understood the nature of the vision and cannot understand that consecration is an absolutely vital preliminary to the fulfillment of the vision of the anointed Fire Carriers who will be used to take the cleansing Fire to My Body…My Church. Listener, I hear your thoughts, and My answer is, No, I Am not taking those who come for Daily Bread “too far too fast.” The time for treading water is past…IT IS TIME to swim in the Rivers of Living Water…in the Deep Water.