Listener: Holy Spirit has shown me that if I do not come to you today in openness and transparency, you will not be able to fully understand and accept the significance of the words that He gave me for us today. Usually He uses my struggles and failures as examples to teach you what not to do or how He will help you if you encounter similar problems. His purpose today is different…He wants me to tell you where I have been so that you can understand where He is telling us to go. I do not exaggerate when I say that yesterday I suffered spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically. I wrote in my journal that I was undergoing a crisis of faith, a crisis of belief… a crisis which was not shaking the Foundation of my belief but which seemed to be tearing down much of what I had built on that Foundation. And then, as I looked at the words which I had just written I began to recognize my problem…I was distressed by my perceived loss of what I had built. And then Holy Spirit told me: You will not lose what I have built. You are not bereft; do not mourn. I taught you through men who taught you what I had revealed to them; now you are being taught by another man to whom I have revealed more. But I Am now, have always been and always will be your ultimate Teacher. Rest in that assurance. Listener: Then He gave me the vision that I reported to you yesterday, my rising from the wheelchair and having the leg braces removed so that I could walk in His strength!!! And now we come to today, when He began to speak with these words: Wait on the Lord, and I will do mighty things. I have called you, and there is more to this call than you yet know. I will reveal this to you in due time, when you are ready… you and those to whom you write. I tell you this today to encourage you to lift up your heads, your hands, your hearts, your minds, your will, and your emotions…to revive and restore your soul. Listener: Holy Spirit has made it very clear to me this morning that what He desires to do in this remnant Body and to accomplish through this Body cannot be done by one person or even by some of the Body; He needs All of the Body coming in unity…as One in Him. He desires this even as He desires each of us to give Him all that we are…so that He can give us All that He is. Then Holy Spirit gave me a vision of people standing in a beautiful green meadow. The sun was shining; birds were flying overhead, there were flowers. The people were smiling and talking to each other. And He spoke these words: Listener, the remnant Body of which you are a member has been granted a great blessing. Not only will they be able to come into My Presence in different ways, but they will also be able to fellowship with each other In the Spirit. This will be manifested when they are truly One. In this blessing they will experience not only great peace and joy, they will also be given much Power as I Am freed to work through them. Pray for this to be manifested soon.