Holy Spirit speaks: Listener, you are a person of words. Tell those to whom you write that you have no words for them this morning. The message, their Daily Bread, cannot be adequately expressed in words. At this point you cannot hold a pen to write, so I have brought you to the computer to enable you to convey, insofar as words can, where I have taken you this morning. Your human memory is inadequate to remember what you experienced. I told you that I was taking you far above the Mountain, into the Cloud with Me. In order to enable you to truly leave the earthly realm behind, I told you to lie down and to allow your physical body to completely relax, so that you could move out of the physical realm into the spiritual realm. A few days ago when I gave you the vision of the wheelchair and your leg-braces being removed, you asked whether I told you to walk, or fly. I did not answer you then, but now I tell you that the answer is…both. Today you “saw” yourself as a tiny, almost paper figure, being carried through space, and when you came into My Presence you had no sense of body. Now you cannot remember the words that I spoke to you…or whether there were any words. At one point you thought that you had died and were being taken to heaven, but I engulfed you with My Presence and made you to know that you were beginning to experience what it means to truly die to self and to live in Me. Now, as you type My words, you do not understand why this is Daily Bread; asking in your mind how this can edify in any way those to whom you write. That is not your concern. You must always remember that you are the Tabular Rasa, and that I write. I brought you into a deeper dimension of My Presence this morning to enable you to begin to receive messages beyond your knowledge and experience. I am having you to record this in Daily Bread so that those who read will be aware of and will anticipate the greater revelations which I wish to bring to them through you. I know, and they need to be reassured, that your most earnest desire is to come into My Presence, to Hear My Voice and to tell others what you have heard. This morning you heard more than I have allowed you to remember. My message is in your spirit, and when it is time, I will release it into your mind. Shalom.