Listener: Holy Spirit awakened me in the Fifth Watch, but I had been up very late working on the Bible Study lesson and had difficulty ascending the Mountain. He told me that I needed to take better care of His temple…to sleep now and then seek His Presence. But Holy Spirit sought me as I slept…giving me a dream which He interpreted later when I stood over the Lord’s Table. Holy Spirit: Your dream of the vicious attack made by your dog on a little shivering dog whom you found wandering around in the cold rain is more than a dream; it is today’s Daily Bread. You placed the little white dog in the bed with your larger black and white dog, but when you left them alone, your dog nearly killed the smaller one and almost bit you when you intervened. You were greatly saddened when you realized that your only option was to call animal control; that the dog who had been your long-time companion must be put down. You procrastinated about making the call, attempting to find a solution which would not require the death of your dog. Then, in one of those transitions which occur only in dreams and visions…as you held and comforted the little white dog, he became a small child. He told you that his name was “Ben,” and that long ago he had found his mother dead, with a ring of ice…. He could not find the words to express where the ice had been. As you held Ben in your lap. what had begun as compassion for a cold, wet little dog became almost overwhelming love. And now the interpretation: Ben is that portion of your soul which has been sanctified by the indwelling Holy Spirit. Ben has “been” with you since your salvation but has been able to grow only to the extent that you have yielded to Me to allow Me to do My work of sanctification. Your beloved old black and white dog represents that portion of your soul which is still dominated by your flesh, your old nature, which rejects and resists My transforming sanctification and is in opposition to that part of your soul which I have already sanctified. You saw your dog as predominately black but having some white because you cannot yet fully accept the truth that your flesh is totally without redeeming aspects. The “mother” whom Ben found dead was you. Before you were saved and I came to indwell you, you were dead in sin; your spirit was dead. The ice that Ben could not describe was around your heart, which had been cold to Me since your natural birth. Ben knew that the ice had been present but could not describe it because it melted as I entered. Your procrastination about calling animal control is your delaying to come in complete surrender to the Altar of Sacrifice to offer all that you are in body and soul to God…a living sacrifice…so that I can do the work that I was sent to do in and through you. Do not delay any longer. You need what I came to give you now. Tell this to those to whom you write…I Am still waiting.