Holy Spirit: Listener, I allowed you to undergo two tests this morning in the Fourth Watch. Those to whom you write need to be given an account of these tests, especially the first one, because some of them have been given the ears to hear and others will soon follow. The first words that you heard this morning contained no error, and you wrote almost two pages before you realized that they also contained neither edification nor instruction. When you asked in whose Name that voice spoke, you received no answer. You must be aware that your enemy can mimic My Voice so convincingly that even one of My sheep who knows My Voice well can be deceived. Do not hesitate to issue a challenge if you have any doubts regarding the source…I will always be pleased to say the Name of Jesus to you if I Am the speaker…and the enemy can never say His Name. One of the times when you asked this question and I was the speaker, I not only answered but blessed you with My response when you heard angels sing “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.” This morning, after you asked and waited for some time but heard only silence, you began to thank Me for a revelation given earlier this week and then asked again to hear My Voice. At that point I began the second test, beginning with strong words which gave you the assurance that you were hearing My Voice. Since the revelation for which you thanked me had to do with eternal salvation, I told you that those who are blessed with the Truth of eternal salvation must walk in that assurance and carry the message to others; that all of your fruit must come from this Seed, the One in Whose Name I speak…Jesus, Who died to enable you to come into My Presence, to hear My Voice. But so few come, they linger in the far country, far from My Light, My Living Water. I Am your Source. But then, as I continued to speak, you were not satisfied by the words that I was giving you; you considered them to be Truths which were so familiar that those who heard them would be neither strongly impacted nor greatly moved. I was giving you milk and you wanted meat… actually, you wanted dynamite! I will give you the meat, but you are not yet ready for the dynamite. So, the second test was to determine whether you were willing to settle for milk or whether you truly desired MORE. Now, about that dynamite…You and those to whom you write must respond to My lesser lessons before I can give you the greater messages; you must use the lesser powers before I give you the torches of the Fire Carriers. Walk in what you have been given and are being taught. You have received several Daily Bread messages this week preparing you for an in-depth study of Romans 12:1-6 which the Listener has been instructed to present Sunday night. I cannot give dynamite to immature children; only mature sons can be entrusted with such power. The only way that you can attain the necessary level of maturity is to allow Me to carry out My work of sanctification. I am pleased that some of you are in the process of recognizing and beginning to receive My call to the yielding which will allow Me to proceed with the greater sanctification of not only the members of this remnant body but also their corporate body. This will lead to My revelation of God’s purpose and plan and ultimately to the fulfillment of His plan.