Listener: If the significance of the message is indicated by the extent of the attack delaying the posting of the message, we may be assured that this Daily Bread contains words that you need to hear. This day of listening began near the end of the Fourth Watch with a sense of deep peace and a strong desire to simply hear the beloved Voice of Holy Spirit…not my usual primary desire to receive a message for Daily Bread. I realized that the sense of peace that I felt was His Presence, which He was enabling me to experience even though I heard no words. When Holy Spirit began to speak, He told me to record in another notebook the personal Words that He had for me, but to first seek verification that the words I would hear were from Him, verification which, in view of the peace which flooded my soul, seemed to me to be unnecessary. However, I obediently asked, “In whose name do you speak?” When the answer came I knew why He had told me to ask…because I heard His Voice, or the voices of the angels whose presence I sensed, singing Jesus, Jesus, Jesus! Even writing about this blessing brings me to tears. Then, after I heard and recorded the Words that He had for me, He told me not to be concerned about His Words for you today…that He would give them to me later. Those Words came when I stood at His Table…receive them now… heed them and cherish them. Holy Spirit: Listener, do not be concerned that your account of the manifestation of My Presence to you this morning makes up so much of this message…you tell of the way in which I wish to bless each person who comes for Daily Bread. Today I speak in the Voice of the Spirit of the Lord...I Am your Daily Bread. Receive My Words…Come into My Presence. You receive the oil of your anointing in My Presence… when you are immersed in My Presence. You reach that state of blessed immersion only when you have yielded to Me. What my servant Paul wrote in Romans 12:1 must become a reality in your mind, will and emotions… you must truly die to self before you can truly live in Me, in My Presence. And then I will bring to pass what I told him to write in verses 2 through 21. You must yield in all aspects of self…not just in the desires of the flesh but also in the areas where self attempts to dominate…including self-condemnation, self-will, self-righteousness … When you make the decision to truly yield, I will reveal the areas of self which hinder your yielding…and help you to release them to Me. Then there will be no self- condemnation, and the will you seek to fulfill will be My will…the righteousness on which you rely will be My Righteousness. This is a process…the full results of your yielding will not immediately manifest in your life…but when you make the sure and firm decision to yield … to die to self and to live in Me, then The Holy Spirit who indwells you is released to do the work that My Father sent Him to do…so that you can know, you can experience His Presence and walk in the full flow of all seven of the Spirits of God with Whose voices He speaks. These are the ultimate results of your yielding. The more immediate result of your commitment to yield will enable you to receive My revelation and to begin to follow Me as I lead you to your anointing… to begin to enable you to begin to fulfill that to which you have been called. Recently I gave the Listener the words IT BEGINS without explaining what was meant by those words. A part of this Beginning is the anointing of which I just spoke. Do not be impatient…I told the Listener months ago in words delivered by man that an anointing was given, but I did not reveal the nature of that anointing nor ask for acceptance of what was offered until two days ago. In the interval between the announcement and the reception, I prepared the Listener to receive what I offered. Now I have given you the announcement. If you have indicated a willingness to receive My offer, I will prepare you to hear it. A part of that preparation will include leading you to diligently seek My Presence and to hear My Voice. Some of you are almost or even fully prepared to hear My revelation of your anointing now. Receive it with My blessing and empowerment…and reveal the fact of your reception to encourage others. If I instruct you to reveal the nature of your anointing, do so. If I advise you to wait until the nature of your anointing is revealed in your life, follow those instructions. Now, rest in Me…I bear the responsibility for your preparation; I also bear the responsibility of enabling you to walk in your anointing once it is received.