Holy Spirit: Listener, the time you spent on the highest peaks of the Mountain yesterday morning was truly glorious as I marked the anniversary of the beginning of our morning conversations one year ago by giving you the Eyes of Adoration and enabling you to sing your adoration. But you paid a price for that glorious experience. The enemy responded with a very strong and determined attack, an attack so strong that you did not merely come down from the Mountain, you descended deep into the valley. Always be aware that the higher you have been, the harder the enemy will fight to bring you down into the deepest darkness of the valley. But I Am with you even in that darkness. Today you are experiencing two verses of the Twenty-Third Psalm. You walk through the valley of the shadow of death, but you must fear no evil because I Am with you. Since I speak to you now as you stand before My Table of Communion, you know that I have prepared a Table before you in the presence of your enemies. In the deepest recesses of your heart and soul, you know that I have anointed your head with Oil, with My Presence. I have demonstrated many times that your cup does run over. When you have no strength left, I Am strongest. I Am bringing you out of this valley. Have I not given you this Daily Bread when, after two unsuccessful attempts to come into My Presence in the third and fourth watches, you feared that you would not hear My Voice this morning. I have given you this Psalm…it does not say to linger in the valley, it tells you to walk through it. You took the first step when you picked up your pen and began to allow My words to flow through you. Now go forth and continue your journey. Follow in My footsteps, and remember that the battle is not yours, it is Mine. Drive carefully.