Listener: I was awakened in the fourth watch while dreaming a frightening dream. I was with a small group of people who were being held captive. We had attempted to escape a number of times without success. After our last failed escape attempt our captors were about to kill us when a great army swept in to rescue us and to defeat our captors. I do not know whether the dream was from the Holy Spirit, but He used it in His message. As I emerged from the dream, I heard His Voice. Holy Spirit: Only those who are willing to lose their lives receive the fullness of LIFE. Hear My Voice. I speak with purpose this morning, with a message for all of you who receive this Daily Bread. Listener, in the dream you had decided to make one last effort to enable those who were with you to escape, but you knew that you would not survive. You felt great despair because there was so little hope that even your sacrifice would save the lives of the others. Those who were with you did not feel this despair because, although they realized that they could not escape captivity, they were not aware that they faced death. These represent the lost, those who are in the darkness of the world but are not aware of their peril. They are not the object of your mission…I AM sending others, another army, to them. Your focus, the focus of the Fire Carriers, which all those who read this message are destined to become, your focus is not to be on the dead and dying in the world but on those in My Church who have nearly become the walking dead, Believers whose hearts have become so cold that they are barely alive in Me. They are trapped in the world, some without realizing that this is their problem and others who know but who despair, who have grown weary in their futile attempts to escape in their own strength. And some who do not even know that they have a problem. One phrase often repeated when We speak of the unity of the Body of Christ is that you must love the brethren. Those to whom you will take My Fire are your brothers and sisters in Christ! I love them … and so must you. I know that this is not the first time that you have heard this message, but I assure you that it will not be the last time. I intend to engrave it in your hearts and in your minds. I know that as you read this some will think that there is no way that the mission which I describe can be accomplished, much less by you and those other remnant bodies of which I have spoken. And you are correct, you cannot, BUT I CAN! You are My Body on the earth. I will provide the Fire but you must carry it to them. And, as I so often tell those who listen, I will be with you every step of the way, but you must take that first step…. I spoke at great length on the Mountain this morning, to such an extent that the Listener’s body was drained of energy and damp with perspiration when I finished. Today you are receiving the portion of My message in which I describe your mission. The portion of the message in which I give you the details as to how you will be enabled to carry out your assignment has been recorded by the Listener but will be reserved until later, until you are ready to receive it. Perhaps tomorrow…it depends upon your response to today’s message. The special anointing about which we spoke earlier this month will enable each of you to carry out your assignment. For those who have indicated a desire to receive this anointing, I ask, do you still desire the anointing now that you know the work for which it is intended to prepare you.? I greatly desire to hear “Yes,” but I will understand if your answer is “No.” I do want you to know that this is a unique opportunity…one which is being offered to only those who have been chosen to receive it. Pray about your answer and give Me your answer as you pray.