Listener: I was awakened in the Third Watch but yielded to sleep with the thought that this was not a call from the Holy Spirit since it came in the Third Watch. Much later, well into the Fifth Watch, my alarm clock awakened me, and I began to attempt to ascend the Mountain by asking the Holy Spirit to speak to me. He responded as He has many other times: I always speak, but you do not always hear. Listener: After these few words, He gave me a “perception,” not a vision but knowledge in my spirit of the One Who Loves speaking to one who is loved but is turning a deaf ear to His words…and it broke my heart. I heard nothing else, although I tarried for some time. I prayed to hear His Voice later as I stood over Communion, and again still later in morning prayer…but I heard nothing. Then I came to the computer, hoping that He would guide me to type His words, but He has given me nothing. His Presence has become my life; without His Presence manifested in my spirit I feel empty and desolate. In desperation I decided to seek Him where He has sometimes spoken to me in the past, in the shower…and PRAISE THE LORD, AS THE HOT WATER FLOWED OVER MY BODY HIS PRESENCE FLOODED MY BEING. Holy Spirit: Listener, I have heard your anguished pleas this morning for My Voice, for My Presence. Know that you did nothing to cause what you have experienced today. You have yielded yourself to Me to be used as I choose, and today I needed you to express the desolation in your soul and in your spirit when you could not come into My Presence. Those who still hesitate to accept My anointing will read your words and may begin to appreciate, to understand the depth, the height, the extent of the blessing of yielding to Me…of living in My Presence. This blessing, once experienced, becomes essential to your very existence. Most of those who still hesitate to offer their living sacrifice have not heard Me speak their calling …have not yet fully experienced My Presence. I wanted them to hear the words of one who has been so blessed and now cannot bear to live even one day without the manifestation of My Presence. I Am still accepting responses to my offer to bestow the anointing of the Fire Carrier, but the few who have not yet accepted must know that there is a limit to this waiting period.