Holy Spirit: This message was received by the Listener as part of the revelation which I gave on January 21, 2020. It was reserved pending your response to the offer of the My anointing for the mission of carrying My Fire to the Body of Christ. Since you are reading the message today, this is an indication that a significant number of you who read Daily Bread have accepted My call to receive this special anointing. You will be, and some are already being anointed to begin to be prepared to do this work. Prior to your undertaking your mission as Fire Carriers, there will be a relatively lengthy time of preparation during which you must truly give your bodies as living sacrifices, completely yielding to Me so that I may transform you, sanctify you and consecrate you to fulfill your destiny. The Oil of My anointing is the Fire which will consume your impurities to complete your full sanctification, to transform you into holy, consecrated vessels. You cannot remain here on earth in such a state for an extended time. Once you are fully prepared, once you become Fire Carriers, the culmination of your mission to carry My Fire to the Body of Christ will be fulfilled in a relatively brief period of time. You will carry My Fire to those to whom it is to be offered at the last moment. The Fire which you will carry is the same Fire which completed your sanctification and consecration, continuing to burn, fueled by My Oil with which you were anointed. When this time comes, you will carry My Fire to ignite those in My Church whose hearts have grown cold, to those who have turned to the world to seek satisfaction and fulfillment, to those who have left their first love, and to those whose first love was always lacking in fervor. This will take place shortly before Jesus calls the Believers to Him in the air and will prepare them to meet Him. When you take My Fire to those who were saved by Grace but have not walked in their salvation, some of the lost, those who merely played church, will have another chance to come to Me. Even some of the lost outside of the church buildings may be attracted to My Fire by curiosity and stay to receive eternal life. What I have told you is God’s plan. It will not take place overnight, but it will come to pass. I am beginning to prepare the Torches, the Fire Carriers. You are receiving advance notice. The tickets are being offered to you before the event takes place. Pay the price now…allow me to prepare you for this time, which will come much sooner than you realize. Listener: I believe every word that Holy Spirit wrote with my pen in my notebook and instructed me to post as Daily Bread on January 21 and today. This morning on the Mountain He added only one sentence: Keep this verbal vision in your hearts as you undergo the preparation. Some who read this, even true Believers, may not be able to believe that the Fire of the Holy Spirit will be taken to the Church as He has described it here. Will this actually occur? As the Holy Spirit so frequently tells me, “We will see.” When He says this, He already knows. You and I are the ones who will finally see…when the time comes.