Holy Spirit: In the first three verses of the second chapter of the Apostle Paul’s first epistle to Timothy he wrote, Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, 2 for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. 3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior. I usually address My messages for your Daily Bread to more obviously spiritual topics, but you must understand that in this verse Paul addresses an important spiritual topic… spiritual warfare through prayer. Today, as never before in your nation, the demonic realm is wreaking havoc in your governing bodies at all levels, national, state and local. The effects of this demonic impact are most evident at the national level, partially because it is the focus of media coverage which has also been infiltrated by demonic influence. You must not expect those leaders who battle against this demonic onslaught to fight alone. In the words of the Apostle, you are specifically instructed to support all men as well as kings and all who are in authority with supplications, prayers, intercessions and giving of thanks. The Body of Christ must pray for all who are in authority, not just for those who fight for that which you believe to be right, but also for those whom you think are being led astray by self-interest and demonic forces. Pray for strength, wisdom, endurance and victory for the former; pray for enlightenment, conviction, repentance and defeat for the latter. Some of you may agree with the necessity for supplications, prayers, and intercessions but see little, especially at the national level, for which you can give thanks. Note well that my messages to you usually deal with spiritual matters and that they have NEVER descended to the level of the political, nor do I descend to that level today. First, I direct your attention to the most serious, the most abominable, the most dangerous practice in your nation today. Abortion is too civilized a name to give to the barbarically brutal deaths of millions of unborn babies in this country. Remember well that the acts which led to the rejection of My Chosen People began when King Solomon, after serving Me for years in wisdom and experiencing My glorious blessings, at the end of his life built high places for the worship of pagan gods, some of whom were worshiped with human sacrifice. While it is not recorded that any Jewish children were sacrificed at that time, Solomon’s acts led to God’s judgment, the divided kingdom, pagan worship in the Northern Kingdom and the ultimate dispersion of the ten Northern tribes. In the Southern Kingdom worship in the high places persisted during the reigns of all but a few notable exceptions in a succession of ungodly kings, leading eventually to the Babylonian captivity and ultimately to the Jews’ rejection of their Messiah. Consider well the judgment to which your nation may be subjected as the result of the sacrifice of millions of it’s unborn children to the pagan gods of immorality, selfish desires, political ambition and profit. Pray for your leaders, pray for your nation, pray for moral values and respect for human life to prevail. As for the prayers of thanksgiving that Paul mentioned, thank God that your president chose to support the Pro-Life March in Washington today with his presence and that his Administration has consistently been strongly pro-life. While he may have had mixed motives for his decision to make an appearance at the march in an election year; nevertheless, he did what no president before him has done. For this you should be grateful and give thanks.