Listener: Today, beginning in the early morning hours and continuing until the afternoon, I have experienced two extremes of spiritual presence. First an extended and intense period of demonic attempts to deceive and wound, and then much later a period of deep and reassuring revelation from Holy Spirit. I was awakened in the Fourth Watch, but before I began to ascend the Mountain, I heard words that disturbed me, words which questioned both my sincerity and dedication in accepting the call of God and also the commitment of those of you who read this. I was overwhelmed, not only by these words but also by a deep sleep which descended upon me so suddenly that I failed to question the speaker’s identity. The deep sleep persisted through the sound of my alarm clock and well into the morning. I did not hear the Beloved Voice until I entered the woods to walk my dog, and Holy Spirit reassured me with three words: I will provide. Listener: Only now, as I am typing this Daily Bread post, has Holy Spirit assured me that the voice which I heard in the Fourth Watch was not His Voice. Earlier this morning the provision of which He assured me when I walked among the pines began to come as I stood over the Lord’s Table. He blessed me so beautifully with Rhema. Holy Spirit: But to you who fear My name The Sun of Righteousness shall arise With healing in His wings (Malachi 4:2). Those of you who read be comforted and encouraged, as the Listener was, by this Scripture and a reminder of some of the Names of God..Jehovah Jireh, your God who provides; Jehovah Rapha, your God who heals; Jehovah Nissi, God your Banner; Jehovah Shalom, God your Peace. I know each one of you, and when I speak to you through the Listener, I speak out of that knowledge. I desire to give you glorious aspects of My Presence which cannot be expressed in words but must be expressed in your spirit as you draw ever closer to Me. I began the Listener’s deep healing, both spiritual and physical, Saturday morning in the cocoon of peace described in Daily Bread. I am ready to heal each one of you in a similar manner so that you can go forth in the strength of My Might. Come. Listener: I thought that was the end of the Daily Bread message, but in morning prayer, (it was actually afternoon by that time) Holy Spirit continued His revelation in a vision. I saw someone standing over a man for whose healing I have prayed for many years, I am not certain of the identity of the person who was standing…I saw only hands on the head of the man in need of healing and heard the words being spoken over him. Those words were: God can heal you physically before you come to Him, but His greatest desire for you is complete healing, healing of your body and your soul. If you will give yourself to Him completely, He will give you healing in all aspects of your being. PEACE…BE STILL.” Then the person who prayed continued by speaking powerfully in tongues, and the pastor interpreted. Then the person who prayed spoke again in tongues, and another interpreted. After the second interpretation, I heard The Voice of Holy Spirit: These are the two witnesses.