Listener: I always prefer to give you these messages by quoting the words of the Holy Spirit rather than my telling you what He told me. However, this morning, because it also applies to you, He has instructed me to share a portion of the conversation with which He blessed me. Holy Spirit awakened me in the Fifth Watch, and I immediately went to the Mountain. But I heard no words. It was quiet and peaceful; there were no “other” voices, and sleep did not call me back to bed. I thanked Him for the wonderful revelations that He gave me yesterday, and then, mindful of His frequent reminders to wait for Him to speak rather than to continue in prayer, I quietly waited for His Voice…and waited…and waited. Although I was not overly concerned, I did begin to wonder why I was not hearing His Voice. Finally Holy Spirit spoke: Waiting is not your best thing, is it, Listener? Just remember those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint. Can you be like an eagle? Can you come to the high places and not be weary and in need of sleep? Listener: Only if You give me the strength, Lord. Holy Spirit replied: Have I not given you strength and the measure of faith to do that to which I have called you? And yes, I know that the one for whose healing you have prayed for so long has waited for years. I have seen his perseverance even in great adversity. Now, even as his adversity has been so great, so shall his reward be greater. I will not only heal him, but I will also use his miraculous healing as a sign and a testimony. His healing will bring glory to God, to His Name. This healing will be a testimony to the Faithfulness of God, to His Mercy and His Grace… and a Fire Carrier shall be born again. covered with the oil of My healing and the oil of My anointing. He shall walk with hinds’ feet on high places, and others will rejoice to see what I have done. Listener, you have prayed for all members of the remnant body of which you are a member to be present Thursday night and for My glory to fall. Remember well what the Prophet said to you regarding your prayers, that all of those prayers for this body would be answered. On Thursday night you will come in Faith and in Expectation, and you shall go forth in Thanksgiving and Great Joy. Readers, I gave the Listener words of encouragement and instruction for you this morning, but those words will be reserved for another day. Today I want you to focus on the revelation regarding what is to transpire Thursday night. Re-read the last portion of yesterday’s Daily Bread. Pray for the fulfillment of what I prophesied there and here today. Pray that you will be enabled to be present and to participate. Come as the Listener was instructed to come, in Faith and Expectation. Shalom. Listener: I realize that I have “gone out on a limb” by giving you so many of the specific details of this prophecy, even though Holy Spirit’s revelation included greater details that I am not free to share at this time. I pondered the ramifications of this openness today, but only briefly. I am not to question if or why…I am to trust and obey. And I tell you quite honestly, as I believe I have told you before, I would rather be out on a limb with Holy Spirit than sitting alone at the base of the tree.