The Holy Spirit speaks: This morning I have overwhelmed the Listener with revelation, so much that it will be considered a banquet where each of the rich dishes served must be tasted if the whole is to be experienced: When the anointing which I have prepared for this remnant body has been fully received, I will manifest the Glory of God to and through you. Pray for that day; pray for your brothers and sisters in Christ—You are Mine. I will provide all that you need..— For the Listener, but also for all of you, partially because you will receive the resulting blessings in the teachings but also because some of these words apply directly to you: I Am teaching you how to teach…You must teach in the Spirit…I will speak as you type the lessons… It is time for you to Teach Me and My Word…Walk the walk that I have given you and I will give you clarity….Let My Presence flow from you…Truly live and move and have your being in Me. You must take the spiritual realm in which you live with you wherever you go. ….. And now for the Main Course: To be consecrated, set apart for My use, you must be washed in the Water of My Word… both the Living Word and the written Word, the Logos. You are permanently cleansed by the Living Word at salvation, but you must also be washed daily by His written Word. Come into My Presence as you read and study, I will anoint the eyes of your understanding as well as your ears to hear clearly. My Words will teach you and renew you spiritually. It is in the Logos that you will find the meat to nourish you as you walk the path that I Am leading you to walk. You need the strength that you will receive from My Word to sustain you. As you read, ask Me to open your eyes to see and your hearts to receive. Ask for My Presence to give you Light… to enable you to understand and receive the spiritual riches contained in Scripture. When you open this Book, I Am present even if you do not acknowledge My Presence by asking Me to open the Scripture to you. My desire is to feed your spirit and to renew your mind. Ask and you shall receive. Shalom.