Holy Spirit: One aspect of the anointing of the Fire Carriers is the anointing of healing. This is what will enable them to gain entry into the sleeping lukewarm churches. The miracles of healing which I will bring about through the Fire Carriers, those who carry My Presence, will ignite, set on Fire the hearts of those Believers who have grown cold toward God, the worldly Believers and those Believers who have become rebellious. God will graciously give them signs, miraculous healing which they cannot deny because they will receive the healing themselves or see their brethren healed. Do not question whether those who have so little faith or no faith can be healed; the faith required for their healing will be that of the Fire Carriers. Be aware that God so extends His Mercy and Grace as a very great blessing to these wayward members of the Bride of His Son. Once they have been ignited, I will renew their minds to make them fully aware that the salvation purchased by Jesus on the cross is eternal. That once they truly received God’s gift of salvation by Grace through Faith and their salvation was sealed by My indwelling, they are saved for all eternity, even those who have not continued to walk in their salvation. Not only are they saved from the fires of Hell, they are also saved from the horrors of God’s judgment upon the earth. Jesus suffered on the cross so that His Bride will suffer neither in Hell nor during the tribulation. As that tribulation approaches, God is preparing to send the Fire Carriers to the cold and carnal Believers. Once the eyes of these Believers have been opened by miracles that they can see…they will begin to walk and then to run in the fullness of their salvation as I give them My anointing so that they also can Carry My Fire as they testify to their brethren and to the lost. Listener: What a Mighty God we serve!! He not only sent His Son to die for us to provide atonement for our sin; His Grace is also Restoring Grace which provides for those Believers who have wandered and even turned away from Him in rebellion! Holy Spirit responds: Listener, you have been given this message and another assignment to inspire and encourage those who have already received My anointing as Fire Carriers and also to demonstrate to those who still hesitate to accept this anointing that it is truly a wonderful blessing. It Begins.