Holy Spirit: Readers, I told you several days ago that this is how I will address you when I desire to speak directly to you. The Listener hears and writes, but today I wish to give you My words. Receive this message with your eyes and allow it to penetrate your hearts. I have spoken to you previously regarding your destiny…that which God has ordained for you to do during your life on earth. There is another extremely important word about which you, as Believers, have no doubt… your destination, that glorious eternal future toward which you travel, your eternal Destiny. Now, what you must remember is that even though your destination is secure, already determined, the route which you take to that destination is subject to your free will. God has chosen the perfect path for you, but He has given you a choice as to whether you will take His path or one of your own choosing. Know that your choice not only impacts your life but the lives of others whom you will encounter along the way. Carefully consider that path. Seek My guidance and My assistance in helping you to see the path clearly for I Am indeed a lamp unto your feet and a light unto your path. When you encounter obstacles in your journey, ask Me to help you; I Am your Helper. For years the Listener sought and received both My guidance and My help, spending much time speaking to Me in prayer, both petition and intercession, and in the study of Scripture, for which My insights and revelations were always requested. Because so much of the Word of God was stored in the Listener’s heart and mind, I frequently used Rhema in the guidance which I provided. But something of great importance was lacking in the Listener’s walk with Me, something which I deeply desired to give but which the Listener never requested, never becoming aware that I have MORE to offer than guidance; something which requires MORE on your part than commitment and trust and obedience; something which requires total surrender. Recently the path that the Listener walks has begun to lead upward, to greater heights than had ever been contemplated during those earlier years. Now the Listener fully lives only when in My Presence. My Presence is MORE than a lamp to your feet, MORE than a light to your path…MY PRESENCE IS THE PATH. Seek this greater path with all of your heart and I will come to you. It is time for you to become listeners, to use the ears to hear that I have already given to some of you and am waiting to give to all who ask for them. Once those ears are in place, be still, hear My Voice, experience My Presence and know that I AM God.