Holy Spirit speaks: I know that some of you have already heard my offer revealing the nature of your anointing and have received this blessing. You have committed to follow through in belief and in faith to walk in the fullness of your anointing. If you subsequently doubt the truth of this or of what you see, hear or read about others who are walking or have walked in the same anointing which you have received, it is possible that you have not fully yielded to receive your own anointing. However, be aware that if you are experiencing what appears to be doubt on your part, it is more likely to be the result of one of satan’s darts of doubt. It is not necessary for you to determine the source of your doubt: it is necessary for you to seek the source of your strength! Come to Me…ask Me and I will enable you to move into full belief, faith and receiving…in your mind, in your heart and in your spirit. The forces of darkness are threatened by anointed Believers; those who serve satan seek to minimize this threat by casting doubt on the anointing itself as well as on your reception of that anointing and your ability to walk in it. Do not be deceived. You have been chosen, and you have responded. The responsibility may seem too heavy…more than you can bear…and it is! But you do not bear the full weight of this responsibility…I walk with you…and if it becomes necessary, I will carry you. I have carried the Listener today, but not because of a dart of doubt which was quickly extinguished when I sent a brief reminder regarding the shield of faith. I have carried the Listener because satan attacked an area which, in the Listener and in many truly committed Believers, is more vulnerable than their souls…the body. Many of My faithful servants forget to give their bodily weakness to Me. to claim the physical healing and strength which was provided on the Cross. Try to remember to do this.