Holy Spirit speaks: Yesterday I spoke to those who have accepted and received the new anointing which I announced to you though the Listener on New Year’s Day. Today I will speak additional revelation to those who have received their anointing or have indicated the desire be prepared to receive it, but first I have a word for those who still hesitate to declare a desire to be prepared to hear the nature of their anointing… who are shrinking back from even knowing what is available for them…who fear the level of obedience and dedication that such an anointing would bring about in their lives, the changes which would take place in the them and in the way that they live. These are those who for years have read My promises in the Logos, who have heard those promises spoken to them by men and women of God but have claimed few of these promises. Salvation is by far the most important of all the promises, but I have More to offer you. I speak to you today in the Spirit of the Lord. I spoke to your heart when you accepted the promise of Salvation, and I so desire to speak to you now as you linger at the Cross, afraid or unwilling to go further. I also desire to speak to those who walk in their Salvation, but advance timidly, one baby step at a time. I want to encourage, to implore you to truly Step Out…to dive in and begin to swim in the Deep End. I wish to speak personally…to have you hear My Voice rather than to hear My words expressed as a message given by Me to someone to write or to speak to you. To have you come into My Presence to receive All that I have provided for you. There truly is MORE. You will have eyes to see and ears to hear when you meet Me in the air…but I want you to experience a portion of that blessing while you continue to live on earth. In order to fulfill the call that I have given to My Church, the members of that Church must experience My Presence. I desire to anoint the remnant portions of My Body in this present time to do more than experience My Presence. You must also serve as carriers of the Fire of the Holy Spirit to the entire Body and to those in the world who have not yet come to Me. The anointing of the individual members of these remnant bodies will bring about the unity required to do this. I remained on the earth as the Son of Man for only thirty-three years; My Body has been here for almost two thousand years, My Body indwelt by the Holy Spirit of God! Throughout those centuries there have been relatively brief periods when My Body has been a shining light in a world of darkness, but although that light has never been extinguished, much of the time it has been very dim. Now I am ready, as the end nears, to do what I inspired the songwriter to express in words…to truly Set My Church on Fire. I have called those of you who receive this Daily Bread to be a part of this. Do not reject this call. Do not turn away because of fear, or lethargy, or doubt. Be inspired by the opportunity which I have given to you. Come into My Presence. Hear My Voice. Receive My Strength. Receive ALL that I have for you. Satan used Nero to have My faithful followers burned as torches to light his rose garden. Now you will burn with the Fire of the Holy Spirit to bring Light to My Garden. Be faithful.