Holy Spirit speaks: One Day I will speak only one Word…Come… and all Believers, all of My Body, My Bride will hear My Voice. But today I have a message to send through you, Listener, and a call for you to repeat…a call which I have already spoken but which most Believers have not heeded, even some of those in the remnant congregations. The hearts of My people have grown cold. You and the other listeners to whom I speak must begin to fan the embers of that Fire of which I spoke two days ago, the Fire of the Holy Spirit. I have told you that I have many listeners. Some of My listeners write, as you do, to those who can not or do not hear My Voice as well as to those who wish to receive the deeper revelations that I give through the listeners. Some of My listeners preach and teach. I am calling all of My listeners now to begin to deliver the messages which will ignite the Fire of the Holy Spirit in the scattered remnant Bodies…the Fire which these remnant Bodies will be led to take to My Church. Once this Fire is ignited in the Church, once the Holy Spirit Moves in the lukewarm congregations, the Fire will become an unquenchable wildfire, spreading throughout the world, fueling the final harvest…and then I will come. This will be a progressive work, beginning in the listening hearts of the shepherds of the remnant bodies and in the hearts of My other listeners. In the beginning the shepherds and the listeners will prepare the hearts of the members of the remnant Bodies to hear Me…to hear My Voice, to hear the revelation which I give to them and to their shepherds and to follow Me as I lead them to seek and to receive My sanctification … to become holy, consecrated Believers through whom the Fire and the Flow of the Seven Spirits of God can be fully manifested. This Fire will burn ever more intensely, ever more consuming as those who have received the Fire begin to take it to the cold and lukewarm congregations. My Fire will not dispel the darkness into which the world has descended, but It will serve to separate My Church from the darkness of the world and as a beacon to draw those who are to be saved out of that darkness. This process must begin NOW. Hear My words. Heed My Words. Allow Me to ignite My Fire of Purification and Consecration in your hearts. Become Carriers of the Fire.