Listener: Holy Spirit called me to the Mountain in the Fourth Watch this morning. He spoke for almost an hour, instructing me to come into His Presence focusing on the spiritual realm rather than on the physical realm where I still live as a body through which He works in the world. At one point as He spoke I must have had a passing thought about Daily Bread because He sternly told me: Do not even think those words. I will give you Daily Bread when I give it. Listener: After that admonition, I very carefully avoided even thinking about receiving a Daily Bread message, focusing on Holy Spirit’s personal words to me regarding specific intercession, insight in several areas about which I had been troubled, the fact that His timing so differs from my timing, and encouraging me with the assurance that He is working in all of you to enable you to come into His Presence so completely that you will be able to interact with Him conversationally; that He is revealing to all of us that the key element in our relationship with Him is Love so deep that it transcends anything and everything that we can know or even imagine. Then He told me to go back to sleep and that Daily Bread would be delivered later today. Holy Spirit spoke to me again when I was at morning prayer; a message which seemed to be personal and the sharing premature, but, since it was the only additional message I had received and He had promised Daily Bread, I sat down to type it. However, as I recorded the account of my Fourth Watch experience, I realized that this was His message today, a message which reveals how He meets needs that we don’t know that we have, as He did during the early morning hour when He spoke to me personally, and that He sometimes meets our needs in ways that we do not recognize … as revealed in the fact that the Daily Bread message was embedded in my Fourth Watch experience with Him. Our journey with Holy Spirit is filled with wonder and amazement. sometimes little wonders and amazements…and sometimes awesome wonders and amazements. We serve a Mighty God; we serve a God Who Loves us with an incomprehensible everlasting Love. Let us love Him with all the love of which our hearts are capable…and pray to be enabled to love Him MORE.